three 🪐 sleepover

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you pushed out a small laugh, but for some reason, hearing kageyama say that himself made you a little upset. i mean, you knew it was the truth, but in all honesty, you didn't want it to be.

eventually, the karasuno team began walking inside the school. kageyama grabbed his wallet from his volleyball bag and took 1000 yen out. he handed it over to you. "go inside coach ukai's store and go get stuff for you. meet me in the gym, you know where to go, right?"

"mhm," you hummed, giving him a small nod as you accepted the yen. of course you knew where the gym was, after all, you went to this school too. kageyama slipped his wallet back into his bag.

"hurry up kageyama! you can see your girlfriend later!" you hear hinata yell from ahead. kageyama let out a sigh before looking back up at you. "don't be too long." he said before jogging over to hinata. "im coming, stupid!"

you laugh at their bickering before entering the store. they must've been really good friends, you thought. he must've been the spiker you saw at that other practice.

as you walked in, you automatically approached the drink section. you and kageyama always liked drinking boxed milk together, ever since the two of you were little kids. you smiled as you recall some of the memories you shared with kageyama as a grade schooler. like the time he tripped over a rock on his bike and lost a tooth, your first argument together, his volleyball themed birthday party when he was 11. like you could ever forget.

you opened the drink fridge in the store and grabbed two boxes of milk. one being strawberry, and one being regular. kageyama didn't like flavored milk. well, he didn't hate it. but he always preferred the original one. you took the boxes to the register and paid.

you left the store and began heading for the gym. you could see the team practicing from a window as you walked closer. you flattened your skirt before entering.

it was pretty hectic in the gym when you arrived, so nobody really noticed you come in. you sat on the floor near the stage and placed the plastic bag next you on the floor. you had a clear view of all the boys practicing on the floor.

as your eyes scanned the room, you saw kageyama set a ball into the air. you watched as hinata rushed over at the speed of light to spike the ball. the sound of the ball hitting the floor echoed loudly for a couple seconds. your eyes widened. how was it even possible for someone to react so fast?

you watched as kageyama and hinata share a loud high-five. the excited expression plastered on kageyama's face made you laugh quietly to yourself. then he glanced over at you.

you waved at him and he gave you a nod. you reached into the bag and grabbed kageyama's box of milk, poking a straw into it for him. after his coach complimented him, he jogged over to you.

"hi, y/n." kageyama said as he sat down on the floor next to you.

"here." you turned over to him and pressed the straw for the milk against his lips. he took the box of milk from you and took a sip. "thank you." he said to you, in which you nodded.

you grabbed your strawberry milk from the bag and poked the straw in, taking a sip as well. kageyama set his milk box down on the floor. "did you see the new quick that hinata and i learned?" he asked, turning his head to face you.

"yeah. honestly i can't really tell the difference between them all, though." you paused before speaking again. "but it was cool. it hit the floor really loud, like boom!" you said, recreating the sound of it slamming onto the hard gym floor.

"yeah. like boom." kageyama repeated after you but in a less enthusiastic tone. he was staring at his shoes, as if he was zoning out.

"kageyama!" you hear someone yell from across the gym. the two of you look up. it was a tall boy with a shaved head. "when you're done, get your ass over here!" the guy said with a smile on his face. "ill be there in a second, tanaka." kageyama nodded, grabbing his box of milk and finishing the rest of it in one sip.

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