Beautiful Dark nights

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"I was pleasantly happy that you accepted my proposal." Lord Campote grinned.

She wasn't given much of a choice, she thought. But didn't dare say that. Lavender smiled as she held her parasol tightly. "I look forward to....being....your....." She swallowed hard and looked around the park. Lots of familiar faces, but none that she particularly wanted to see. "wife...."

"I was thinking instead of 6 months, maybe we should get married right away." Lord Campote smiled sweetly.

"So fast?" Lavender panicked.

Lord Campote bowed. "I am more than eager to have my wife by my side...and for us to start our life."

"That seems a bit fast no?" Lavender asked, feeling her throat threatening to close up on her.

Lord Campote stopped and took her gloved hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Call me Jeffrey."

Lavender's eyes widened. That hand, that same hand, yet different reactions. Last night she felt like she would combust. Today she felt....repulsed. She tried to pull her hand away but he held on tighter. Surprised she looked up at him, giving a firm tug where he released his hold with a tight smile.

"Is something the matter...Lavender? You don't mind if I call you Lavender do you?" Jeffrey asked.

Lavender looked back to her mother, who was staring at her with what looked like sadness in her eyes. Did her mother know? Of course she didn't know. Why was she sad? Lavender turned back to Jeffrey. "It's fine, you may call me Lavender."

"Such a perfect name for the most beautiful flower of the season." Jeffrey remarked. "And you're all mine."

Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong here. Stop it! He's trying to be sweet, he's trying to be sweet yet it felt so.....Lavender took a deep breath. "Hehehehe....." she had to get back on track. Yesterday was a mistake and a distraction that would surely cost her her future.


"Are you alright?"

Lavender looked up at her mother and tried to smile as she took off her gloves. "Just a bit tired mother."

Rose reached out and lifted her daughter's chin.

Lavender chuckled sadly. "I just don't want to rush the wedding."

"And there's no need. So we won't." Rose assured her.

"Enjoyed your stroll sister?"

Lavender looked up to Azalea slowly making her way down the grand stairs.

"It was simply beautiful." Lavender answered. She turned to her mother. "I'm going to lie down for a bit, before getting ready for the ball tonight." she turned and walked up the stairs only to have her younger sister grab her arm.

Azalea leaned her head towards Lavender's ear. "You're acting like a common tramp sister." she whispered. "Shame on you."

Lavender pulled back as she weighed Azalea's words, not sure how much her younger sister knew. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you Azalea, now unhand me." Lavender whispered sharply.

Azalea blinked in confusion, immediately releasing her sister. The two looked at each other for a couple seconds before Lavender dashed up the stairs, leaving her younger sister fuming below.


"Oh Lavender." Lizzie beamed and pulled her best friend into a tight hug. "You look simply splendid. Yellow is your color I do say so." Lizzie took a step back. "Don't you agree brother?"

The Candlewood Sisters: LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now