Can I kiss you?

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Dear Mother,

Sorry it's taken so long for me to write. I truly didn't know how difficult it is to run a household. I do apologize for daydream consistently and understand the constant frustration you had. You ran our house so smoothly I took it for granted. That's not to say it's going bad here. Not at all, in fact when you visit, I believe you will feel very proud of what I've done so far. I think in these short couple of weeks, I've grown a lot as the lady of the house. But of course Vera, will always have something to say. She runs this place like an army. I'm sure you'll love it. Also mother, I know you're waiting on news. And here it is. I am not with child. I had my monthly. Also, it's going well with Atlas. He is a true gentlemen. I greatly enjoy his presence. Every afternoon tea he takes me for a stroll around the lake. It's simply glorious. I truly enjoy these walks with him. Also mother, I've made a couple acquaintances in the area. There is Lady Worst and it's funny because Atlas calls her the worst but she's very nice, although mighty talkative. There is Lady Helen, she's from France mother and the funniest accent I've ever heard. Although she keeps commenting on how devilishly handsome Atlas is and honestly it's irritating me quite a bit. Lastly there's Lady Clementine, oh she's my favorite. Guess what her husband is 68 years old and reminds me a bit of Lord Worcester. But Lady Clementine has a secret lover a knight that she met 2 years ago and it's just absolutely scandalous. There is so much more to say, but I'll update you in my next letter.


Marchioness of Shirewest Lavender Worthington (your daughter)

Dear Daisy,

Thank you for the picture, it is completely precious. I miss you so very much sweet sister. I do hope you're staying out of trouble and are following along with your studies. I was a little troubled by the end of your letter. What is this secret you're too scared to speak? You know you can always confide in me. Please Daisy, I hope nobody has hurt you and if they have speak up now. Write me back to alleviate my fear that something so heavy is troubling your beautiful soul.


Your eldest sister who loves you very very much, sweet child.

Dear Azalea,

Your letter was embarrassingly short, so I shall keep mine as such. My spirits were terrible unsettled when you mentioned a man who you fancy, but can't tell me who. Please do not take this lightly when I tell you be careful Azalea. I know we couldn't be more different you and I, but I love you terribly so. I do not want you to get hurt. Whoever this man is, if his intentions are as pure as you say, why have you not told Uncle or mother? Please, I know you've always wanted to wed, but I don't feel well about this situation. You must tell me at once who he is. And please for the love god little sister, Stay out of trouble. Write me back as soon as you receive my letter.


Marchioness of Shirewest Lavender Worthington (still you're older sister)

Dear Lizzie,

I wish I could write down my screams at your letter! You my friend are an absolute scandal! The Duke of Jensen is very handsome indeed. I remember the Duchess of Jensen was very lovely and not that much older than us when she passed. How terribly sad she didn't survive child birth. I can't imagine the pain of losing both of them the same night. I still think you should tread lightly my dearest friend. I do not know how your brothers will feel if you were to tell them your interest lie in the Duke. Also is the Duke looking for a wife? I've heard rumors of him saying he would never marry again. But of course those are just rumors. If you love him, please be careful. Take your time. See if he can take you for a stroll. I don't know, you're the mastermind, not me. Oh and Lizzie can you keep an eye on Azalea for me? I'm a bit concerned as to what she's up to since I left the house. I love you very much dear friend! Please write back soon!

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