Let's do this

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Atlas ran his hands over his face as he threw his head back.

Control, maintain control.

One thing to be said about the new Marchioness of Shirewest was that she was indeed a fast and eager learner.

"Oh god....."He groaned, his hand dropping to tangle into her hair. He gripped the mass of tight curls between his fingers as he pushed her head down a little more. The breathless gasp and panting caused his balls to tighten. 4 days, all it took was 4 days for her to slobber on his dick with perfection. All he'd said was no teeth, make it wet and do whatever you want.

"Fuck..." He moaned and opened his eyes as he looked back down at her. Her head moving up and down. That infamous tongue of hers twirling and licking. Her lips kissing it's way down his erection before swallowing him again. He jerked into her mouth, feeling his restrain waning. "Look at me...." He whispered.

She lifted her eyes up to him. She sucked on his tip and moaned.

There was no way in hell, he could have controlled the spasm that went through his body as he growled and shoot his seed down her throat.


She kept sucking him as if trying to drain his soul from his dick. Atlas shook and seemingly melted in his chair.

Lavender swallowed and carefully released him, knowing that if she sucked more like she'd done yesterday it would be too much for him to the point of pain. She swallowed his slightly salty load and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Was that good?" she asked teasingly, already knowing the answer. She carefully tucked his now retreating dick back in his pants and buttoned him. When not erect, his dick was not as intimidating. It was like a cute limp mini courgette. She grinned to herself as she finished buttoning him up. "My lord aren't you on your way to handle some affairs this morning?" she rested her hands on his knees.

Atlas moaned. He reluctantly opened his eyes and straightened up in his chair. His grey eyes focused on her with so much care, her heart jumped. Wow. She smiled.

"Come on my Lord." Lavender stood up from between his legs. "You mustn't be late." she reached for his hands and tried to pull him up.

Atlas lazily stood and chuckled as he pressed his body against his wife. "I should just take you back upstairs." he whispered as he wrapped his arms from behind her and squeezed her chest.

Lavender giggled. "Yesterday you got no work done because of me. I won't let that happen again. You must go and tonight----"

Atlas arched an eyebrow. "Tonight?"

She grinned mischievously and turned and kissed the tip of his nose. "Tonight I want to taste you again."

He inhaled sharply.

"For breakfast and dinner."

Atlas closed his eyes and moaned as he pressed his head against hers. "I don't deserve you."

Lavender beamed up at him. "Of course you do Atlas."

His eyes softened as he looked at her. He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead, his lips lingering. His hand rested on her belly, rubbing it softly.

Lavender's eyes widened. He'd never done that before. Her heart raced.

Atlas kissed her hair and dropped his hand. "Okay, you're right. I gotta go." He grabbed some documents off the table. "I don't know how long the deal is going to take, so I might be back after dinner." he reached out and gently tapped her chin. "Go ahead and eat without me if it's too late bumbleebee."

The Candlewood Sisters: LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now