Never should have happened

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Lavender, Marchioness of Shirewest stood perfectly still as Robert recounted the past couple days events. Her mother was seated by her side. Her hands gripping Lavender's almost painfully. Rose Candlewood's eyes seemed to have taken on a permanent blotchy red color from her inability to stop crying. She was surprised she still had water left in her body.

Seeing her eldest daughter did nothing to alleviate her sadness. All it brought was more sorrow. The pain and realization that she was so concerned for her daughters to be wed and start their family that she had no idea what was truly going on in their lives.

Lavender looked brilliant besides her. Perfect posture and glowing. Even after the hell that was brought to her, here she was still ever the lady she had trained her to be. Perfectly poised. But her focus on her daughter's outside appearances, caused one of them to get raped, the other to be a murderess and also kidnapped. That left her precious flower Daisy. What ever would she do if something were to happen to Daisy?

Rose Candlewood closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No, not Daisy. She will never let anything happen to Daisy. Hell, if Daisy wanted to spend the rest of her life at home, then by God Rose Candlewood will let it be so.

So long as her daughters were safe and sound.

"I should have been here." Lavender's soft voice filled the room as she stared at the ground.

Atlas who'd been staring at his wife's reaction the entire time lowered his eyes, feeling pain shoot through his chest. If it wasn't one thing, it was something else. Lavender will find a way to blame herself.

"Love, it's not your fault." Atlas spoke up gently from his stance by the window.

All eyes in the room turned to him. Robert's eyes widening in surprise at the gentleness in his eldest brother's voice. He wanted to crack a joke about him being pussy whipped but knew this was most definetly not the appropriate time.

"I could've stopped her." Lavender whispered looking up to Atlas who stood across from her. "I could've." Her voice broke. "I could've talked to her....listened...said something....." Lavender's voice broke as she buried her face in the palms of her hands and cried. She attempted to stiffle her anguish by burying her face.

Atlas looked away painfully, unable to see her tears. "We'll find her."

Rose tried to wipe her face as she hugged her daughter. "Don't Lavender. It's not your fault. Azalea will be alright. She will. We just wanted you to focus on your wedding and your husband----"

Lavender pulled herself angrily from her mother and stood up, her arms fist by her side. Atlas watched his wife in surprise at the heated glare she shot her mother. "There's more to life than that! Azalea was kidnapped!"

"I know Laven-----"

"You never listen!" Lavender accused, hot tears streaming down her face. "You never listen...." Her voice broke as she whirled around and ran out the sitting room.

Heartbroken, Rose looked down in shame.

"I'll uh...." Atlas turned and quickly went to find his wife. "Lavender!"

Lavender ran out the back door and Atlas jogged to follow her. It didn't take long before he caught up to her and grabbed her arm. Spinning her around and pulling her body to him.

"I should have been here!" Lavender yelled out in frustration. "I could have protected her." She cried as Atlas hugged her tight. Her face buried deep in his chest. "I was supposed to protect her." she gasped. "She's just a kid....." her knees grew weak but her husband's support prevented her from falling. "I don't know what to do....what do we do...."

The Candlewood Sisters: LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now