Just a little bit

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Lavender woke up, feeling remarkably refreshed. They'd fallen asleep and she hadn't once woken up during the night. She smiled and stretched on the bed, turning to the side, but Atlas wasn't there. She smiled some more. He was probably working out. Her mind flashed back to last night in the darkness of his room.

"I love you."

Giggling she leapt out of his bed and out of his chambers. She kissed him first. Her. Lavender Candlewo----no Lavender Worthington kissed Atlas Ragnar Worthington first.. She slammed his door shut and whirled around to go to her room.

"Oh." Lavender slowed down, chewing on her bottom lip to stop from smiling.

"My lady." Fiona started with a mischievous smile. "I was just...looking for you. Your bath is getting cold."

Lavender shrugged and made her way to the washroom. "Oh Fiona, isn't it just a wonderful day."

Fiona shook her head in amusement as she followed her mistress. "It's raining." she informed her.

"Oh rain....shmain..." Lavender sang, wiggling out of her nightdress.


"Good morning Atlas." Lavender gave him a slight nod as he entered.

Moppy barked a greeting from under the table. Wagging his tail before resuming his breakfast.

"Lavender." He grinned. He took her gloved hand and kissed it softly, his eyes holding hers. "I hope you slept well." His hand squeezed hers gently.

"I did." She whispered blushing.

He gave her another look before heading to his seat across from her. He looked so handsome in simply his white shirt and tan jodhpurs. He must be going for a horse ride right after breakfast. Her eyes moved down to his crotch in those tight pants. She couldn't believe, her entire life she'd never paid attention to the fact that there was always the slightest of bulge in the crotch of his pants. Subtle but there. And now she knew what it held.

She looked down at her plate, her heart racing at her train of thoughts. Oh, she was absolutely scandalous. She smiled to herself as she put her hands in her lap. She thanked Jasper for the breakfast and picked up her spoon. Looking across the table, she found Atlas watching her. Having been caught he quickly shifted his eyes down and dug his spoon into his porridge.

Lavender looked back down at her breakfast with a small smile. Was he....bashful? Because of...her?

They ate their breakfast in silence. But it was a comfortable silence. A silence in which they somehow knew the other was thinking about last night.

"I love you."

"I've always loved you."

Lavender laughed as Moppy ran around her feet. Something he did after he was done with breakfast to get her to pick him up. And pick him up she did. Her adorable eyeless mop of fur.

"I'll be heading out today with Phillip." Atlas informed her as he made his way to her end of the table.

Lavender looked up.

"We have to go handle an issue of an apparent curse on Farmer Dudleys' land." Atlas shook his head as he leaned his butt on the table.

His wife's eyes widened. "A curse?"

"Oh yeah." Atlas nodded. "Apparently brought on by his neighbor old man Richard because old man Richard found Farmer Dudley in his barn with one of his goats." Atlas tried not to smile through his grimace but failed. "Farmer Dudley absolutely denies it."

The Candlewood Sisters: LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now