Bedroom Habits

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Lavender kept staring. She couldn't help herself. She'd woken up at least 5 minutes ago. She lifted her head slightly to see that Atlas was still fast asleep. His chest, falling and rising, softly breathing. She smiled at his peaceful face. He was such a handsome man. She looked from his closed eyes, down his nose to his lips. Lips that had been on her sex eight times in the past three days.

Lady Clementine was right. It was so much better than sex. She trembled in anticipation at the thought of what his mouth was capable of doing.

"Is respectable ladies do this?" lavender whispered.

Atlas' hands paused on her thighs, right before he was going to part them. "Do you like it?" He whispered, resting his hands on her knees.

She blushed and bit down a smile as she looked around his office as if somebody was going to walk in on them and catch them. She turned back to Atlas kneeling before her, her dress already scrunched up to waist. She nodded eagerly unable to deny it. "Yes...very much."

He grinned. "Good. Then it doesn't matter about anybody else." he crooned as he parted her thighs slowly. "We can do whatever we want." He whispered lowering his head, teasingly biting her inner thigh.

Lavender moaned and closed her eyes. She really liked this.

She liked it so much, she was wondering if she was becoming a little too needy with her husband's mouth. If it was up to her, his face would stay constantly between her thighs.

She remembered what Lady Clementine had said. "Of course I did it back to him. He exploded."

Lavender looked back down to what she was staring at before. With Atlas sleeping on his back, the bed sheets had slipped down to exposed his leg closer to her, reminding her that he did indeed sleep naked. She lifted her eyes to his chest, roaming over his pecs and the small dark pink nipples. She looked down his abs. Perfectly defined but with several scars, most old and faded. She reached out to touch the long one running from his hip down to his upper thigh. Was that a sword cut?

He shifted slightly, she retreated her hand quickly and lifted her head guiltily at being caught. She found him to still be asleep. Relieved she looked back down. Her eyes again watching the sheet barely cover the erection he currently had.

She was intrigued. He always woke before her and never knew he could have an erection in his sleep. Did that mean he was dreaming of sex? She lifted her head up to look at his sleeping face. She looked back down at the tent. Was he dreaming of sex with her? Maybe of previous maybe with her. She smiled mischievously to herself. But it quickly disappeared. If only she liked the act more. But it didn't matter, with the way he kissed her body and brought her to heaven everyday, she could sacrifice 5 minutes of pain to please him. She wanted to. She truly did. She most certainly wanted to give him a son, to give him a heir and keep the Worthington and Candlewood riches flowing.

Her eyes widened as Atlas ran his hand down his abs and under the sheet. He ran his hand over his member.

Lavender looked up quickly to see if he'd waken. He had not. Her heart raced as she looked back down. This time the sheet slipped off as he moaned and shifted slightly. His erection, alert and at attention, moving slightly as he brought his hand back up to rest on his belly.

Lavender looked back up. He was still asleep.

She took a deep breath and looked back down. She wasn't scared of it. It did look weird. But also....also started the sensation in her body that she now knew only led to the incredible orgasms she'd been experiencing.

The Candlewood Sisters: LavenderWhere stories live. Discover now