Chapter 8- Meet One Direction

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Sorry it's really late.

I've been veeerrry busy. But, when I read your comments I figured I should take some time to write a chapter. Thank youuu so much.


It's been about 2 months since our holiday- since I met the boys and since my Dad left. He still hasn't returned yet. Well, good. I don't want him to come back and I hope he never will. All he brings us is stress and problems. He's better off with Slutty Susan. I know it's rude talking about my Father like this but after all the bull-crap he gave us. I think he doesn't deserve any kindness from me. In fact, I'm not even sure he's my real Father.

I stepped out of my comfy bed and checked my planner. Nope, nothing important I should do. I flicked through the empty pages. 13 more days 'till Christmas! "Madi!" Dean shouted from the living room.

"Yeah?" I shouted back.

"Come downstairs."

I placed my planner on my shelf next to my bed and dragged myself downstairs. What could he possibly want this early in the morning?! I stepped into the room with my christmas onesie and monkey slippers. "What do you want? It's so early and you're already shouting."

Dean sniggered opening an old box. "It's not that early. It's eleven o'clock."

"Oh." I yawned. "What are you doing?"

"You mean what are WE doing?"

I looked at him, confused.

"Oh, Madi, we're going to put the tree up." He smiled his signature side-smile. The smile that got the girls in his year falling for him.

"Okay. Where's mum and Amy?" I helped him open a box full of christmas decorations.

"Christmas shopping."

The tree smelt beautiful. My family always had real Christmas trees. We just loved the aura it gives. "Do you want to put the angel at the top?" Dean handed me the little angel. We've had her since I was 5 and we always took turns putting it up the tree. She still had her silky white dress plastered with pearls and sequences. "Sure." I smiled. The tree was nearly twice the size as me. I am pretty small. I took a chair and finished off the tree decoration.

I sat in our living room watching the Christmas specials TV channels had to offer. Dean returned with 2 cups of tea in each hand and a packet of shortbread biscuits clenched between his teeth. "Hee?" He offered.

"What?" I laughed.

"I haid 'hee'?"

I laughed even more. Annoyed, he dropped the packet of buscuits on my lap causing crumbs to scatter on the floor. "Dean! I just hoovered the floor yesterday!"

"Tough." He grunted.


*Harry's POV*

Tonights the final. I'm extremely nervous. The boys and I have come a long way since One Direction started. We decided to spend our last moments in the gym. We didn't do any intense workout, just goofed around.

"Guys, we have to do a Video Diary." laughed Niall.

"Oh, okay! I'm ready." replied a very enthusiastic, Louis.

"Sure, uhm, we have two hours before we have to get ready for tonights final." I smiled.


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