Chapter 2- Are You Ready?

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There's a part in this chapter where the character Madison sings London Foolishly by Nick Jonas. the link is at the side. It's a good song even though It's not in any of his albums. The track is taken from his live chat so it's bad quality. :) Enjoy it!x

Deiced to change it up a bit...


Since I was ten, my parents had been arguing nearly every day. I would wake up to the sound of my mum screaming at my dad to "Go to hell." No one ever told me why they were arguing so much. My brother, Dean, knew but they told him not to tell me. Amy was just two years old so she had no idea what was going on. Nana made sure that she knew nothing about it.

One day, while I was on my way to my room, I heard mum crying in her bedroom. I stood outside her door not knowing if I should knock and talk to her or if I should leave her be. Anyway, I wasn't allowed to know why she's been crying almost every night and why dad was never at home for long. Mum said he was busy at work but there was something about the way she said it that didn't make me believe her and I knew she didn't believe herself too. Mum had always been a terrible liar.

It was the day after my 11th birthday party when Mum and my grandparents told me everything. Dad had left for work and there was just us. We sat down in my mum's rose red L-shaped sofa. She looked at him warily in the eyes and laid it out flat.

"Madison, I think it's time for you to know this." I remember my heart pounding so hard that I felt it could jump right out of me. Mum took my hand into hers and squeezed it tight. I knew I wouldn't like what would happen next. I knew it was something bad.

"You're dad has...been seeing another woman." The words ringed in my ear. How could my dad do this to my mum? How could he do this to us? To me? I thought he loved my mu m so much that he would never leave her. But I guess I was wrong.

Summer. Summer was the time when we would forget about everything and just enjoy it while it lasted. This year, we decided to bring Dad. Well, it was Grandma's idea. Dean and I protested but she said it was "a good way to bring the both of them closer." Yeah, beacuse that worked.

I heard the front door open. Amy ran next to me and showed me the ladybird she caught with grandpa. Mum didn't say a word and just walked up to her room. Dean snatched the iPad off my hands and talked to Dana and Ella. Grandma had a grocery bags in her hand. "Isn't anyone gonna help me?" There was that smile on her face. The smile she always had on when I felt sad and she wanted to cheer me up. I knew something was up.

I helped her prepare things for dinner while Dean was playing on his Xbox.

"Can we get some help here from a guy? This bag is really heavy." I shouted at him. "Oh, wait. There is no guy in this house."

Dean shot me his famous I-couldn't-care-less look.

"You know, if the house was burning, you wouldn't know."

He gets so into his Modern Warfare game that he makes you feel like you're talking to nobody.

A delicious smell danced around my nose. Grandma took the lasagne out of the oven "The lasagne is ready!"

Immediately, Dean and Amy ran into the kitchen with their eyes wide open. We all loved nana's homemade lasagne.

Mum came walking in, her eyes red. I knew she'd been crying and I knew why. Dad, however, was nowhere to be seen.

After dinner, I locked myself in my room. I took my guitar and just started playing a random song. I just lost myself in the music that I didn't hear what was going on downstairs. Amy ran in crying. Her hands covering her eyes. I ran downstairs with my guitar still in hand. I stood in the landing listening to the argument. Dad was drunk and he's been stirring up trouble in the house. Dean was trying to calm them down, telling dad to go to sleep. But he just shook him off and kept on shouting. I felt sorry for mum who was leaning on the counter crying. I've never actually seen them argue before. My cover was hidden when dad saw me. His face was terrible and he was all sweaty and he stank of alcohol.

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