Chapter 10- New Year, New Life?

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It was a foggy morning New Years Eve and the cold air had already surrounded me. I shivered as I got out if bed to turn the radiator on. Maybe it was a bad idea to wear shorts to bed. Goosebumps, started to form on my legs and I was in desperate need of warmth. I hopped back in my bed and wrapped myself in my floral duvet.

When the room was finally warm, I walked sluggishly to the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my tangled hair. I could still hear Dean snoring from his room. I looked at the wall clock that was hung beside the staircase. 7:45 it read. Too early. I decided to go to my mum's room. It's been long since I actually slept beside her. She'd always be upset and crying or not in bed at all. But now my 'dad' has left, it's like her problems left with him. The door creaked as I opened it. Mum was already awake and was on her red laptop. She looked up from her glasses. "Come in, sweetie."  

I did as I was told and sat next to her. I hugged her tightly and told her I loved her so much. Sometimes, you just have to remind your parents how much you love them and that you're grateful for what they've done for you otherwise they may not feel loved at all.

"What are you doing, Mum?" I asked, still not letting go. 

"Booking a restaurant in Central London." 

"What for?"  

"Well, you kids are gonna be in for a surprise." 

I raised an eyebrow."Good or bad?" 

"We'll see." she smirked. 

"Mum." I groaned. "Tell me!"  

"No. It won't be a surprise if I told you." she replied, playfully pinching my nose. 

"Madi, be a dear and prepare breakfast for us,please?" 

"Urgh, fine."  

Mum kissed me on the cheek and I walked off to prepare breakfast.

The whole house wasn't fully awake until 8:40am. The breakfast was already getting cold. After a few failed attempts, I've managed to cook 4 poached eggs, bacon and pancakes. I opened a can of baked beans and made toasts.

Mum finished washing the last plate and announced 'part of the suprise'. "We'll all be going to London tonight to watch the new year countdown and we'll have dinner there as well." She paused waiting for our reactions. "Dinner will be semi formal so bring extra clothes. I've booked two hotel rooms already. We're leaving at 4 this afternoon." 

Dean and I looked at each other, puzzled. "Two hotel rooms?" I mouthed. 

He shrugged.

4 in the afternoon soon came and we all got our bags ready and headed for London. It was about 6pm when we arrived in St. Pancras. Dean, Amy and I dragged ourselves off the train along with our bags. Mum, on the flip side, seemed happy, almost eager to set foot on the station. "Alright guys, let's go. Quick!"

"Mum, you seem happy?" I remarked, struggling to carry my bags. 

"Happy?" she smiled. "I always am."

Dean and I gave each other that "weirden out" look and laughed. 

We walked for a while around the station and after 2 minutes of what seemed like aimless walking we sat on the benches. 

"Oh, we better get going to the Hotel kids!"

We arrived at the Hotel shortly after and mysteriously only went into the one room. Not the second room that my Mum had reserved. "Get changed quickly. Our reservation is in half an hour!" She said in a sing-song voice.

The restaurant was nice, although a little on the creepy side with Indian dolls hanging from the celing above the cashier's desk. 

Our table was fit for 6 and I wondered who the rest of the seats were for. But I didn't wonder for long as I saw a man in very smart suit stand up and gave my mum a kiss on the cheek. 

"Hi, Grace."

I looked at the man, confuddled. Grace? How did he know my Mum's name? I swear we haven't met before. 

"Hi George." Mum smiled.

"Mummy, who is he?" Amy asked. 

"I think you should tell them." The man signaled to my Mum. 

"Alright then." She turned to us. "Kids. Amy, Dean and Madi, this is George my boyfriend. We've been going out for almost a year now. I figured after your dad left us, it's time for us to move on and have a new life as a happy family I've always hoped we would be."

Speechless, we all sat down.

The man, whom I now know and therefore shall call George, took my Mum's hand and squeezed it in agreement. At this moment, I was so confused. I didn't know what to say or feel. Should I be glad that she'd found someone or should I feel betrayed that she hasn't told us any sooner. Dean and I just smiled. I looked at him and mouthed "What do you think?"

He shrugged. "I guess he's a nice guy. Let's just give him a chance." Dean winked. 

"Amy, Madi, and Dean," I was suprised he knew our name that quickly. "If you all give me a chance, I'd be very happy to act as the perfect Father you've always wanted." 

I was a tad suprise with how George had  the balls to say this. Did he just insult my dad? I know my dad wasn't the PERFECT dad but he is still my dad. I wasn't quite sure if I really want this guy to replace my Father.

Dean and Amy seemed to get on well with George. He talked to Dean about football, music and other things boys talk about. He entertained Amy with "little kiddie stories" and even called her "Princess Amy" which was what Amy liked. Perhaps it was just me that had cold feet.

The night came and soon enough it was time for he us to leave. I was about to wave goodbye to George when it dawned on me that the second room resevered was for them two! Urgh, I thought. "Do you like this guy?" I asked Dean. Mum was already ahead, he arm tied around George's and the other holding Amy's.

"Uh yeah, I guess he's a pretty good guy." 

"What? Didn't you hear he insulted Dad?"

"Madi, I thought you hated Dad." he looked at me.

"Hm, well. I-I-I don't know if I like George, Dean." I uttered.

"You'll like him soon when you get to know him."

I frowned "How 'bout you? You only knew him for a day and you like him already?"

"Well, I'd like to think I'm not one to hate on the first impression." He smirked.


aaannnddd another one! Yuuuh, finally. These last two chapter have been nesting on my works waiting to be published after a little bit of tinkering. I must say these are by no means perfect or up to standards. I just felt that as some of y'all wanted an update for so long I might aswell publish some. 

thanks guys. :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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