Chapter 5- Oh Mysterious One

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I don't think this chapter is the best I've done. I'm just really busy with school work. Sucks, I know but I have to get an A* right? 

[-aιм нιgн-]


I spent my afternoon chilling at the park with Amy and Dean. I figured we needed some bonding time together. It was sunny but the ground was still wet from the early morning rain. We sat at the same bench where I met Harry. I folded his hooded blazer and placed it next to me just in case I saw him again.

I was getting bored. There was nothing to do. The playground area was wet and the ground was muddy. So I started walking around while Dean took Amy to the candy store nearby.

Out on the field were 5 boys. They were playing football. How can anyone play football when it's so muddy? Ew. I guess boys don't care. I found myself walking towards them. I didn't really know why. it was probably one of those moments where you think about doing something too much and you end up doing it. Like when you keep looking at another car while driving and you end up driving towards it? Yeah, that was one reason why I failed my first driving test.

Anyway, I was walking towards the boys when I regonised Harry. His curls were bobbing up and down while he dribbled the football.

"Harry, look!" said Zayn, pointing at my direction.

"Hello!" they all said in unison.

Harry looked startled. He probaly did not expect me to be there. He kicked the ball and scored an impressive goal making him and his friends dance around like crazy monkeys.

"Beat that, Lou!" shouted Harry, walking towards me.

I felt my cheeks burn.

He greeted me with his adorable smile. "Hey."

"I guess you like playing in mud?" I teased, looking down at his muddy white shirt. Your mum will have a tough time cleaning that, I added in my head.

"Oh." the smile never left his face.

It started raining again and this time it was heavy. "Typical english weather." I sighed. I handed him his jacket. I needed it but I handed it to him just for the principle of it.

He laughed. "I think you need that."

He took it off my hands and placed it over my wet denim shirt. My hair was already dripping wet, so was his.

"Do you wanna play with us? We can use a sixth player." he asked, signaling to Louis to pass him the ball which he caught.

I shook my head. "I'll just watch." I've never really played football before. I wasn't good at it. I just kept kicking the ball to random places, not really paying attention to where our goal was and who were my team mates.

"Okay." I felt like I was melting unto ground. His smile was...perfection.

I watched for a little while. "Madison!" yelled Amy. "What are you doing there?"

I caught Harry's eye and waved goodbye. He waved back and slipped. I guess I shouldn't have distracted him. All the other boys laughed while Liam helped him up.

I walked back to Dean with a huge grin on my face.

"What's up with you?" he asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing." I said in a sing-song voice. "I was watching some boys play football and this guy slipped." I held my hand over my mouth trying to cover up the giggle.

"You're wierd...and drenched in rain. Let's go home." he ordered, putting his black umbrella up.

"You didn't bring an extra umbrella." I grunted, playfully punching his shoulder.

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