Chapter 1- Fasten Your Seatbelts

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We were lying on the field covered with buttercups and daisies. It was a beautiful scene. The sunlight shone bright and it made the moment special. I was lying on his chest with our hands interlocked and we looked for different shapes in the clouds. "Look, it's a carrot and a!" I giggled.

"You're so...imaginative." He says, squeezing my hand.

I felt safe in his arms. He stroked my cheek making my spine tingle. I turned my head and saw his eyes already locked into mine. His beautiful brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I've never realised how long his lashes were. He leaned closer and I could smell his minty breath. I had very little time to think before he allowed his lips to touch mine. The kiss was full of passion and love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. "Hello?" I heard a squeaky voice in the background. That was odd seeing as we were the only ones here.

"Hello! Earth to Madison!" came another. Something cold met my face and it made me shudder.

"ARE YOU THERE? Mum, I think she's dead."Amy giggled. Her ice cream was dripping on my forehead.

"Don't be silly, Amy. She's just daydreaming again." said mum. Who was still working on her tan.

"Let's throw a bucket of water at her!" Dean snickered. "I wonder what she's day dreaming about. Probably about Adrian."

Gosh, my brother can be so annoying. He's 2 years older than me but he still acts like an immature little shit. He knows what happened with me and Adrian and he knows I don't want to talk about him.

Anyway, it's a habit of mine, daydreaming. When I want to be alone around a room full of people, I daydream. Weird, I know. I've always been a dreamer. Dad said when I was little I used to imagine different things- from castles to fairy wings. I'd pretend to be in another world. One time, I imagined I was a fairy and nearly jumped off a cliff in Cornwall. Sometimes, that's just what I wanted to do.

It was a sunny day so the family and I decided to go to Hyde Park. We picked a spot near the river so Amy could go and feed the ducks with grandpa. "Look Madi, some boys are playing football over there. I want to go play too!" said a very excited Amy. "I'm not sure they'd want to play with you, Amy. They're about my age and your only 7."

"I'm almost eight!" She gave me a grumpy look and ran to tell grandpa who was already petting a beautiful swan. Dad and Dean were playing volleyball with grandma. I wanted to play too but I was too lazy so I sat down and read a book- The Summer I Turned Pretty. I was getting to the good part- the part where Belly decided to talk to Conrad- when I ball hit my head. "Ouch!"

One of the boys with very tall hair came up and picked the football off my picnic mat. His hair was very big- about 6 centimetres if you ask me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

"Watch it." I cut him off, getting up and brushing dirt off my brown hair. The wind blew my hair infront my face which was what I sort of hoped for. It was kinda embarassing. I mean I must admit, the guy was cute.

"Oi Zayn, I think you've pissed her off." laughed the boy with very curly hair.

There were five of them. One was wearing a striped shirt and red shorts. Another was shirtless, showing his perfectly shaped abs. He had wavy-ish hair. There was a blonde one who was sitting down eating ice-cream. He looked like he had no interest in what was going on. He looked like he was making love with it. He sure does love his food. I guess.

"I'm really sorry. Zayn here is just being a Clumsy Bradford Bad Boy." The boy with the striped shirt placed his hand on 'Zayn's' hair, messing it up.

"Shut up, Lou." smirked Zayn.

"Hi, I'm Louis."

"Er, Hi." I replied.

"That's Harry over there. HARREH GET YOUR ASS IN HERE. The blonde leprechaun who is licking his ice-cream over there is Niall. That's Liam over there with the very fit body. Not as fit as me though." He winked.

I laughed, unsure of what to say.

"This here is Zayn."

"Hi." was my simple reply. I was still a bit pissed off.

"I'm still very sorry. Are you alright?" he pleaded.

"That's alright. Just watch where you're kicking the ball next time."

"Will do." He smiled, flashing a beautiful set of teeth.

I decided I had enough of the park, so I picked up my floral bag and waved goodbye to mum. My blue Toms were muddy but I didn't mind. Grandma's house wasn't that far from the park so it wasn't that long of a walk. Plus, there were shops along the road.

I opened the door and threw my floral rucksack on the side table next to the stairs.I loved that bag. It was a birthday present from my Auntie before she left to work in Philippines. I sat down on my grandma's leather sofa, taking the iPad out of her new wooden drawer, and turned the TV on. The house seemed quiet without the whole family but I liked it. I needed some time alone.

That Time Alone didn't last long when I received a Skype call from Dana and Ella. They wanted to talk to me. It painted a smile on my face thinking that my two best friends in the whole wide world were probably missing me right now. I answered the video call and was not surprised to see Dana's eye hovering over the webcam.

"Hey, Hey, Girlfriend." she almost screamed.

"Dana what are you doing? You are such a weirdo." I laughed

Dana's real name was Karyl but I think she preferred being called Dana. She was the most out-goin out of all of us. She didn't care what people thought of her. She just did what she did and couldn't give two craps about what people thought.

"Oi! Lorraine says she misses you. Come back already, man. It's boring without you."

Lorraine was Micaela's little sister. She was the cutest thing ever and was actually too smart to be a two year old.

Micalea, was the quietest out of the three of us. She was the mature one. I thought of her as an adult. She was the person who I can always get advice from. Even though she only had one boyfriend in her life, she always gave out great advice. I usually call Micaela, Ella. I don't know when I started calling her that but it's easier. She doesn't like it when other people call her Ella, though. Only me and Dana, because were special that way. We've been best friends since we were tiny little girls. I was the smallest of course. But I was the loudest.

"So, what have you been doing in London lately?" winked Dana. "Any cute guys?"

"Dana, man. Well-"

"I'd love to hear about this!" squealed Ella, fluffing a pillow, making herself comfortable.

"We were at the park and there were some boys playing football and one of them kicked it at my face." I looked down in embarrassment.

They laughed in unison, which made the webcam shake so that they looked like a smudged painting.

"Ooo, Madi you should've said hi!" laughed Ella.

"Was your nose bleeding? You know, because of the impact." Dana chuckled, punching her palm, to illustrate her point.

We both laughed. Then there was silence. It wasn't awkward. In fact, we never ran out of anything to say to each other. But this one was better left unsaid. They just stared into space and I opened up Facebook so I didn't have to look at them. I knew what they were thinking. They knew what I was thinking too.


Hope you liked the first chapter. It's dedicaded to my best fwend who inpires me with her stories :)

Much love sista friend! ;D x

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