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" You both." He raises his voice at his two friends. They're two grown up adults but behave like two kindergarteners.

Before he could say another word , Jimin is already snapping his head back in his direction. His lips already puckerd up in a pout as he bring his face closer to Yoongi's.

" Hyungie~" His words comes out as a slur now indicating that he was already floating in his headspace. They're so close to each other that Yoongi can almost smell the booze mixed in his breath.

Jungkook and Taehyung covers their open mouth with their hands. Their pupils dilatig to see the view more clearly. Are they finally going to kiss ?

Yoongi clenches his eyes shut, he don't think he's ready for what is about to happen. But on the contrary he's leaning towards Jimin ready to seal the moment with a kiss.

The thought of kissing Jimin has fogged up his head. He's finally going to feel those plump lips on his own , their softness , their palatableness. Damn, after all those years of yearning for them , he'll finally get a taste of that delicacy.

What will it taste like, cherry ? Strawberry ? Vanilla ? Candy ? Whatever it is he's surely going to get a taste of heaven tonight.

But the sweet taste never reaches his loitering lips, instead he feels a heavy weight being passed onto his body.

He finally open his eyes to see a passed out Jimin leaning on his shoulder for support.
" Jimin ah." He hits him lightly , trying to bring him back to consciously but, the younger is in no mood to wake up. He's too wasted right now.

Seeing that Jimin is finally off to sleep Jungkook and Taehyung crawl back to them.
Taehyung waves his hand in front of Jimin's closed eyes to see if he was dozed off for real or just acting.

Sighing, he finally let's his guard down. He had forgotten how Jimin used to be when drunk. He's such a messy drinker, his drunk personality is a whole spin off from his actual one.

The usual Jimin is a soft, shy, sunshine boy. And well the drunk one is one of the avatar of the overlord himself. He could rule the underworld in that state.

" Now, mind explaining me what happened here ?" Even though Yoongi wants to scream at them for being such a nuisance. He choose to whisper, not wanting to wake Jimin up.

" I think he drank the alcohol by accident." It's not like he had planned it ahead with Jungkook. He totally didn't emptied the soft drink from the can and filled it up with alcohol and gave it to Jimin. Yeah, that totally didn't happened.

Yoongi knows better than to trust Taehyung's lies. But for now he's tired of the drama , he just want to have a goodnight sleep.

He looks down at an asleep Jimin on his lap. Now, how is he supposed to take a drunk Jimin back home along with Haru ? It's better to just spend the night at Jungkook's house. His house is big enough so Jungkook shouldn't have any problem to let him use one of his room for a night.

" Jungkook, can we stay here tonight ? I don't think so I can take Jimin back home in this state."
" Sure hyu-" Taehyung pinches him on his back , making Jungkook wince in midway of his sentence.

He turns to look at Taehyung for an explanation, the older only look at him with angry eyes, shaking his head.
Jungkook tilts his head sideway, he can't interpret what Taehyung is saying.
Taehyung let out a low grunt before pointing towards Yoongi with his eyes and then shaking his head.

Jungkook makes an 'O'shape with his mouth, he finally gets it.
" No hyung, you can't stay here." Yoongi raises his brow at Jungkook. What's wrong with them staying here tonight ?

" Why ?"
Jungkook looks at Taehyung for an answer, what is he supposed to say ? What excuse should he make ?

" Ah , that ..." He scratches his face, trying to find a nice excuse. Why is it that whenever he's caught up in intense moments like this his mind decides to go blank and refuse to help him.

" The rest of the rooms are under renovation. The only one available is my room and I've to sleep there." He smiles, finally he was able to come up with an excuse. It sounds pretty convincing, right ?

" I'll take the couch-" He tries to list out the other option but Taehyung wouldn't let him do so.
" NO ! " Taehyung shouts without thinking , it was an automatic reflex to what was going inside his head.

" I mean I'll stay the night here so I need the couch to sleep." Jungkook turns wide eyed at him. Even though Taehyung just said the words to shut Yoongi , the idea of them spending the night under the same room is getting him all worked up.

" You'll stay here ?" Yoongi asks, quite shocked himself. When did they both got so close to have sleepovers at eachother's houses ?
Taehyung nods to the question without hesitation.
If that's how it is then Yoongi don't really have a choice.

" Okay, then. We'll go back." He heaves a tired sigh. Dealing with a wasted Jimin is totally tiresome he don't want to go through it all again.
" Atleast help me take them home." He yells, making them both hurry to his side.

Thinking that it would be easy to get Jimin back home, they were totally mistaken.
The younger started puking in Yoongi's car from the moment he started it. Taehyung has to keep a good hold on Jimin while Jungkook is the one taking care of Haru. It's fortunate that Haru hasn't woken up yet or it'll just be a very long night.

Yoongi looks at his back seat from the rear-view mirror. His car that he loved more dearly than his own life is stinking from the acidic scent. He just wants to go back home and already call it a day.

" Hyung, fast." Taehyung screams at him in frustration. He's holding Jimin on his back while Yoongi continue to fumble with the keys. He's taking immensely long time to open it and Taehyung knows it's his tactic to make him suffer.

" Ah hyung." He whines again. If Yoongi didn't open this door right now then he's going to toss Jimin on the floor. He's just too heavy for him to carry alone.

" It's open." Taehyung takes a deep breath as he rushes inside with Jimin on his back. He lays him down on the closest surface within his reach. Taking in as much air as he can after being almost breathless.

Yoongi smirks to himself , that's what he deserves for the trouble he caused.
" Let me lay down Haru in his crib then you both should help me with Jimin." Yoongi takes Haru from Jungkook's arms. Being careful to not wake him up in the process.

Haru stirs in his sleep after feeling the change in surface but continues to remains in his deep slumber when the embrace feels familiar to him.

Watching Yoongi vanish inside the room, Taehyung instantly pulls Jungkook out of the house. He rushes him down the stairs , now even letting the younger breath till they're out of the building.

" Ah, hyung. What's wrong ? Why did you pulled me all the way down here." Jungkook huffs, the younger just dragged him down like a sack of potato.
" Jungkook ah, we should let Yoongi hyung deal with Jimin alone."

" Trust me, drunk Jimin and sober Jimin are two different persons. I'm sure if we let those two alone Jimin will finally confess his feelings to hyung." Taehyung's eyes are shining again and this time Jungkook knows that it's an alarm bell for the danger.

" A-are you sure?" The fire burns in Taehyung's eyes and Jungkook is sure his Yoongi hyung would certainly kill him after all this.
" Yeah, when did my plan even failed ?" The proud smile rests on Taehyung's face.
Jungkook wants to correct him. Tell him that his every idea go down like a lead balloon. But, he don't actually have the heart to tell him so.

So, he just stand there on the entrance of the building , looking at the night sky as he prays for his safety from Yoongi's temper.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now