5: Crumbling at the seams

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah here we are, another installment in the saga.
Believe me, my partners taught me how to consume angst well =)
He he he. Enjoy this, mein frunds.

"Here's a million-dollar question: Why did you bring us here?" Shaye asked them. "To find out who you told of our existence." Splinter replied. "Well, as far as we know, no one would dare to believe us..." Shaye sighed. "Except for Vern Fenwick and possibly Eric Sacks!!" I blurted, finally breaking under the pressure. "Sacks. Just as I feared." Splinter got up. "Pardon?" Shaye turned to him, as did I.

"Sacks is not a friend. His soul has been poisoned by the influence of a dark master. The Shredder." Splinter explained. "The Shredder?" I shook my head. It sounded like a horror movie that would have gotten bad reviews and a cult following years later. "I knew something was up with Sacks..." Shaye growled. "Shredder practically raised Sacks in Japan. He's like a father to him. Sacks will do anything for his master." The rat-man sighed bitterly.

"Wait, wait. Sacks and Shredder? So, why aren't we out there hunting them down?" Raphael growled. "Because, Raphael, The Shredder is a skilled warrior whose cruelty is ever-reaching! And you are just teenagers. The mutagen in your blood is of great value to them." Splinter explained. "Oh, sh-t..." I shivered, sanitizing my hands. Suddenly, we heard the blaring of an alarm. The turtles and Splinter darted off, leaving Shaye and me behind.

"Wait, why are we still sitting here?! We gotta do something!" Shaye stood up and headed in Donnie's direction. "I didn't kill April just to sit here and do nothing!" I stood up, following Shaye. Then a giant explosion occurred, causing us to fly back and land near a member of the Foot Clan. "Haha, we're in danger..." I chuckled. Shaye was having none of that, so she straight-up massacred the Foot Clan soldier, taking their metal bat.

We turned around to see Splinter beating up several more Foot Clan members, and we were surprised the old guy could handle them. I took out the mini Lysol spray I had brought, popping off the cap. We saw a Foot Clan member walk behind us, and I decided to take matters into my own hands. "Be healthy!" I sprayed Lysol onto the man, making sure his mask was off. "Die!" Shaye bonked the man for good measure.

"Mikey, you gotta get Shaye and the other one out of here, now!" I heard Leonardo. "Excuse me, I have a name! Magical Miracle Girl Usami, A.K.A., Usako, or Eli- whatever." I didn't feel like introducing myself at the moment. Shaye and I ran past many bullets to meet up with Turtle 3, whose name was presumably Mikey. "I got a safe place for you to hide. And if you get thirsty, I got a secret stash of Orange Crush behind the fridge." He told us.

"Aw, Hell yeah!!" I pumped my fist, turning to Shaye. "You hear that, Shaye? We're gonna get you hooked on Orange Crush! Even though it tastes like sweet, fizzy orange juice. Eh." I turned to Shaye as we ran past the chaos. "Ah yes, sweet, fizzy Floridian tree juice." Shaye did a minty fine sign. Just as we made it to our hiding spot, we saw the man himself. Decked out in sharp, silver armor that looked like a pain to draw, it was the one and only Shredder.

"Shredder..." Splinter sighed heavily, his voice full of pain. "It's a... metal boi..." I gasped, my eyes widening. "Are you f-cking for real?! We're about to die to a cheese grater?" Shaye growled, squaring up. "All these years I've been trying to recreate the mutagen. And you? You just handed it to me." The Shredder's looming deep voice echoed throughout the room. A particular accent was partially shining through in his voice, it sounded Japanese.

"You will not lay a hand on my sons." Splinter picked up a sword, twirling it in his hand. "He's a paper shredder. Maybe we'll get some free sketchbooks from him..." I mumbled to myself, calculating in my brain. That was until we heard the sounds of metal clashing and punches landing. "My gorlie. We gotta get out of here, now!" Shaye took my hand and led us to a further back room.

"...Is- Is that a basketball machine-?" I poked a nearby box with a net that had neon coloring. "I guess it is." Shaye nodded. "...How is it down here?" I asked out loud. "No idea. I'm starting to question these guys a little bit..." Shaye blinked. Then we heard thousands of noises; ranging from punches to zaps and screaming. What the h-ll's going on?! "That's it!" Shaye growled, picking up her rod. I tried to look for a weapon, and then a fork-like thing jammed into the box.

"That'll work." I breathed to myself, taking out the sharp thingy and following Shaye's lead. We stood up and headed to the center of the sewer place. There was Splinter, lying on the floor, roughened about. Shaye proceeded to hit Shredder's helmet as hard as she could, then I jammed the fork thingy into an electric box on his back. He turned around, his aura a dark gray and scarier than ever. "You stupid little girls!" He growled. "Sh-t!" Shaye winced.

"Shaye! Young one!" Splinter used his tail to whip us away, and we both hit the stone-hard floor. "Ow, d-mmit!" Shaye and I cursed, shaking a bit as we helped ourselves up. We barely kept our bodies up as we hobbled over to a wood table. "Sh-t..." Shaye saw the whole scene unfold in front of us. Splinter flipped a switch, causing a large iron gate to separate us and the turtles. "W... What is he doing?!" I gasped. "Splinter, no!" Shaye tried to bang the gate open.

There we saw Splinter, said to be the greatest mentor of the turtles, knocked down on the floor. Shredder picked him up by the shirt, glaring at everyone under his helmet. "Children, drop your weapons, or your father will die." He threatened the three turtles. Wait, three? "Where's Raph...?" Shaye's eyebrow arched. "There's no way he's dead, right?" I tried to laugh to myself, and Shaye straight up embraced me. And hoooh, boy, did I embrace back hard.

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