8: Last fight, good night(?)

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Here we are again, just us and you, Shredder, right? With your swords and huge-ss armor, you better be prepared because soon..

Y O U R L A S T H O U R S T R I K E S : )

This took four pages ;w; I admit I got a bit shaky and emotional writing the end of this because I fear death strongly
Let's carry on, only two more chapters to go (~-w-)~

We eventually made it to New York and Sack's building. It was tall, and there was a supposed radio tower on top. It was all now or never, if we didn't get up there in time, New York would become a wasteland of disease. "You guys get out of here. Get to a safe distance." Raph told us as we followed him through the building. "Okay, no. How 'bout this: Vern'll find Sacks and get our hands on the mutagen as a contingency plan." Shaye suggested, fixing her hair.

"Shaye and I will assist you in case you, uh.. You know." I did a slicing motion on my neck. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." Raph nodded to us. "If we don't make it back, bring the mutagen to Splinter. It can save his life." Leo advised Vern, with the human nodding understandably. "Sacks' laboratory's on the 36th floor. I've already disabled the security system. Oh, and, uh... Good luck!" Donnie told us. "Gee, thanks." I gave him a thumbs up.

"If I don't return, remember me, Shaye. You can always find me in here." Mikey told Shaye, pointing to her heart before being dragged off by Donnie. I choked a bit on laughter. "Jeez. Don't be so dramatic, we'll be fine! Hopefully." Shaye sighed as we followed them. "You're a complicated chick." Vern sighed as he waved to us, turning to Sacks' lab. What we haven't come to realize yet was that Sacks' plan was coming to fruition, slowly but surely.

"Elevators are just around this corner!" Donnie stared at his watch map. "All right, guys, listen up. We stick to my plan and we won't fail. Fan out in three, two, one-" Leo instructed us, but we slid to an abrupt stop. "What? What is it now?" Shaye looked up. We turned to see millions of men in black uniforms. The silence fell upon us, and it was so strong a pin actually dropped. Mikey, Raph, Shaye, and I waved at the men nervously, and they charged at us.

Charging up their rifles and weapons with battle cries, Shaye and I prepared to kick their -sses with Lysol spray and fisticuffs. Donnie abruptly shut the door as the bullets began to shoot at us. Soon enough, the door closed fully. "Not the elevator!" Donnie deactivated the switch for the door. We soon ran off in another direction before eventually making it to two elevators. We each took one elevator, pressed the button, and slowly ascended to floor 54.

Inside this small cubicle of an elevator, we stood there in silence. We only heard the mild buzzing of the ceiling light, the low humming of the elevator, and our slightly shaking breathing. I pulled out my phone and opened my music, but accidentally dropped it and put the volume on high. "Sh-t!" I mumbled as Addict by Silvahound started blasting. This was the near-ending chorus part, and at that moment, Shaye (and quite possibly the turtles) had a brilliant idea.

Shaye turned to me, as did I. As the dubstep started, we started dancing in that elevator. Shaye did the Joker dance while I attempted to do the running man shuffle. I was taught very well thanks to video games. From the other side, I could hear beatboxing. "Oh, is this a music battle? Bring it on, man!" Shaye pumped her fist. We continued vibing to the music as the elevators inched closer to floor 56. Eventually, the doors opened to the roof.

We all charged out of the elevator with a sonorous war cry, stopping a few feet away from the Shredder itself. We got into a somewhat type of battle stance, aka, trying to look as intimidating as possible. "Cowabunga!" Mikey shouted as we charged towards Shredder. (A/N: There it is :D) This attempt was fruitless, however, as Shredder knocked them down easily. "Agh, I've had it!" Shaye had a type of spark in her eyes, a burning, exploding flame that screamed: "fight me".

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