7: Solitude Avalanche

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DISCLAIMER: No Shayes and Usakos were harmed in the making of this chapter.
Also I don't remember this scene from the movie at all so bear with me :'D

It took a while for us to find the exit of the compound, but we made it. As I shielded my eyes from the light of the outside world, I realized where we were. "Um.. Shaye? Do you remember the part where we drove to the top of f-ckin' Mount Everest? Cuz I have no idea where the h-ll we are!" I shivered a bit. "It's a long.. Long way down here." Shaye looked down at the endless downhill climb that was the mountain.

"Sacks is airborne!" Raph glared up at a helicopter that was soaring back to New York. "D-mmit!" Shaye growled. "Flight time to Manhattan, 19 minutes!" Donnie checked something. "19 minutes, that's too slow, at this rate we won't catch up.." I huffed, pacing. Donnie went over to the side of a nearby truck, adjusting his goggle thingy. "Oh my gosh, they have guns!" He yelped. "What?!" Shaye and I gasped.

We ducked down, avoiding the bullet's endless wrath. The turtles then proceeded to shield us. Wait a minute, shouldn't they be bleeding or something? "Oh my god, are you good?" Shaye uncovered her eyes as the bullet shower ceased. "We're bulletproof." Raph gasped in awe. "Oh h-ll yeah." I clapped a bit before the bullets came back. "Can you drive that truck?" Raph turned to Vern. "Yeah!" He nodded. Shaye and I sat in the back of the truck.

"Well, I didn't expect to go tumbling down a mountain in this van." Shaye stretched her arm a bit. I nodded, removing my mask and applying hand sanitizer to my hands. From the outside, we could hear the rifles decrease fire and the turtles kicking -ss. They'll be fine, hopefully. "Come on!" Vern made it to the vehicle. "The captain is on board." Shaye smiled a bit, relieved. "Everybody in the truck! We gotta go, go, go! Move!" Leo guided Donnie and Raph into the van. "Oop, hello-!" I sunk into the corner make room for Donnie and Raph.

Mikey, I can assume, was on top of the truck. "Vern, you know how to drive this thing, right?" Shaye asked Vern as she crammed into the front seat and I popped my head in the window. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just got to hotwire this thing, I guess." Vern struggled to turn the van on. "This is why car keys were invented." Shaye held them up. "Yeah. Keys are better." Vern took them and started up the truck.

"Drive!" We heard Raph bang the wall. "Jeezus!" I yelped. "I'm on it!" Vern turned on the truck, and we sped off. Ramming into the iron gate, we somehow made it out of Sacks' facility. "Okay, this is really happening, now what do we do?!" I gripped the window, almost sliding out. "Where are we going, guys?" Mikey shouted his question. "Donnie, what's the fastest way back to Manhattan?" Leo and I looked over to Donnie as he looked at his holo-watch thing.

"We just need to stay on this road. If we can get to the maintenance hatch at the bottom of the hill, there's a sewer line 2.4 miles from here." He calculated. "Great, some hope, finally." I sighed. "SH-T!" I heard Shaye screech. That is usually a sign something will go wrong, and from what I have heard, something is gonna go wrong. I heard a whistle and an explosion. A type of heat scraped the side of the van. "Aah!" I crashed into the corner, clutching onto the walls.

The van started turning sideways, and everyone tumbled around like food being sauteed on a frying pan. Leo fell out of the van, hitting a tree with a bird cage. "Oooof, that's gotta hurt.." I bit my thumb. Eventually, we stopped. I clung onto the window for support and saw a horrendous sight. We were hanging over the edge of a snow cliff. "F-ck..!" I gasped silently, feeling my face turn cold. "Vern, go!" Shaye told him, and we soon tried to move again.

But then we started moving backwards, which made the situation even worse. We tipped backwards slowly but surely. "Leo!" Donnie warned his brother on the ground. We started tumbling even more down the hill. "Aaah, sh-t! What do we do!?" I tumbled around inside the vehicle, trying my hardest not to reach the doors. As I held onto the wall for dear life as Donnie and Raph stared outside.

"How far off course are we?" Raph turned to his brother. "Actually, we're on a bit of a shortcut. But we need to keep going down. Straight down." Donnie calculated. "Who knew?" I smiled a bit. "Uhh.. guys, where's Leo?" Shaye looked to our spot int he back. At that moment, Donnie, Raph, and I could hear the game over music playing. "SH-T." I cursed out loud. "Guys, Leo's in trouble!" Mikey yelled to us.

"D-mmit!" I gasped. "My shell's cracked. Just tape it up." Raph prepared himself. "Allow me to be the bad-ss for once." Donnie turned to him. "Okay, how about this, we're all bad-sses, thanks for coming to my TED Talk- Dude!" I gasped as Donnie flipped out of the vehicle.

From outside, I could see a jeep flip away from us. "Whoa!" I gasped in awe. We then saw Mikey skate away from the truck (don't ask how, I'm not that sure) and land on a van. Men in ski masks were being thrown out of the van by Raph, leaving me in the truck. "Okay, okay.." I popped back to the window space. "What the- Shaye?! Where are you?!" I panicked. "Shayeson, what are you doing?" Vern gasped. I turned my head to see Shaye climb out.

"D-mmit, don't leave me alone..!" I climbed out of the window space and into the front, squeezing out of the window. "Hi." I gave Shaye a peace sign as I held onto the mirror. We then collided with a snow cluster the size of a fridge, causing Shaye and I to loose our balance. We stumbled out of our spots with a scream, but we managed to hold onto the rearview mirror. More snow came, and we started to slip. Welp, this was how we were gonna die.

"Gah..! D-mmit!" Shaye shivered, still trying to hold onto the window and my hand. "Shayeson!" Vern reached his arm out and pulled Shaye in. Once she was inside, she pulled me into the truck as well. I stumbled into the back of the truck, holding onto two tins that were there. "Welp. I'm scarred for life." I shivered a bit. "Avalanche!" Mikey shouted. "Oh f-ck." I gasped. Was it a dry snow avalanche or not? The crumbling snow approached even faster.

"Grab on." I heard Leo take out Shaye and Vern from the van. "Hey, you guys, don't forget about me- aaaah!" I lept out of the window. Big mistake. I then started tumbling around like the Rolling Girl animation, eventually getting closer to Shaye, Leo, and Vern. "Oh, hey, Usako! Aah, d-mmit!" Shaye ducked as she avoided the wrath of show, holding me. We then turned to see the truck tip over the cliff.

"Well.. there's our ride." Shaye sighed. "Hey, we're still sliding." I pointed out. Shaye's face paled as we neared the cliff. "Sh-t!" Shaye gasped. "Nononononono we're too young to die noooo!!" I panicked as we tipped over the cliff. Surprisingly, we didn't fall. For you see, Leo was holding onto a cable that kept us from falling. "Oh, we're alive? I'm glad!" I smiled. "I hope you got a parachute under that shell." Vern struggled to grip onto Leo.

"Hey, guys! It's the maintenance hatch! Our ticket home!" Donnie pointed out. "Oh h-ll yes." Shaye sighed, relieved. "Guys, we gotta hustle. Shredder's over New York City!" Donnie calculated once more as Raph pulled us up. "D-mn it all. We have no time to lose." I mumbled. And then I felt trapped in something. "Huh-?!" "Please keep your arms and legs inside the shell at all times." Mikey advised us. "Oh, okay then-" Shaye and I nodded as we slid down to NYC.

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