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We just sat there. Just the two of us sitting on the pillows Splinter had out for us, some of the lights on, and some 90's music playing in the background. We munched away at two slices of pizza that were left for us, a few bruises and scrapes on our clothing and faces. "Hey, Shaye?" I swallowed the last of my food. "Mhm?" She looked up, finishing her pizza as well. "Do you think we're gonna do another one of these adventures again?" I asked her nervously.

"Yeah. Probably." Shaye set down her plate. "Oh, h-ll yeah. Maybe Donnie or Leo'll probably, like, develop weapons for us or something." I started thinking. "Oh my god, yes. Like a sword, or something. That would be so cool!" Shaye added. I nodded, then blanked. "What the what? Is the camera still on?" I pointed at the camera filming us. "Oh, shoot. Day 17 of video diary has concluded, bye!" Shaye pulled the lens cap onto the camera, sending its view into black.

Meanwhile, somewhere else...

It was just another night for the Hooligans. Chaotic yet iconic memories were being made as the two sisters Olivia and Claudia played away with their friends. Then it happened. A firework-like boom echoed outside the window. "The h-ll?" Claudia looked out to see a large spacecraft make its way down to the earth, a brilliant green light shining down on the ground. "...We gotta tell Shaye and Usako." The sisters synchronized, worry resolute in their voices.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rising Again (TMNT 2014 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now