2: Two times the charm

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Once we were back at our cozy little apartment, we freaked out. "Oh my God, that seriously happened, holy sh-t dude, motherf-cking hmmmmmmmm!!!" Our voices overlapped. We took a moment to calm down, breathing in and out and taking a step back. "Okay, okay. Clearly, someone is fighting back against the Foot Clan." Shaye sat down on her bed. I nodded, grabbing my Silver plush and staring out the window. I was tired, so I went seep seep.

"Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Channel 6 Morning News. New developments in that ongoing sanitation strike to tell you about." I woke up to the sound of the TV blaring the morning news. I sprang out of my bed, then went to shower and change into some new clothes for the day. "Morning news already?" I made myself an iced coffee with stevia. "Uh-huh. And they're already mentioning that f-cker, Eric Sacks." Shaye nodded.

"Erick Sacks has no sacks, that's what my cousin would say." I saw next to Shaye on the couch, sipping my coffee. "He especially has no qualms about hurting the environment." Shaye shook her head. "Using the Sacks research and securities technology, this city greatly improves its chances of bringing the Foot Clan to justice!" Eric Sacks shouted into the microphone. We glared daggers at him as we continued to drink our coffee and eat our toast.

After spending an entire day watching some musicals, getting some drinks, buying new markers and pens, we sat on our respective beds, bored out of our skulls. "...So... uh... What do we do?" Shaye balanced a book on her head. "Hmmm... Not sure... I feel like going out for a walk or something..." I stared intensely at my lava lamp. "Yeah, let's go out." Shaye nodded. I perked up a bit, placing on my Disney hat, my dull pink hoodie from H&M, and my Baby Yoda mask.

Soon, we were out on the streets, walking past bright neon buildings and lit up restaurants. Suddenly, we were pushed into a large crowd. "Shaye, oh my God, help!!" I raised an arm as we were caught in the wave of people that didn't respect the 6-ft rule. Shaye ferally screeched as we were pushed into a large building. Once we were inside, we met up and started looking for an exit. But the thing was, we were seated at a large table.

"What the... where the Hell are we?" Shaye observed the area around us. "Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the NYPD's top benefactor, Eric Sacks." A man announced, and the whole place burst into applause. "Oh." Our faces fell into utter disappointment. "Let's get out of here, I don't think we're on the list..." I whispered to Shaye. She nodded, and we snuck out of the fancy building.

"I think I saw April in there..." I told Shaye as we walked down the street. "Oh, so that b-tch is invited to that environment killer's event?" She growled a bit. I nodded, a bit neevous. It took at least half an hour for us to realize that we were walking in circles. "Sh-t, sh-t, sh-t, sh-t, sh-t. Guess we're gonna have to take the subway back to our place." Shaye checked her GPS. We weren't even halfway home when we heard screaming.

We looked up from the GPS, seeing several people run past us, screaming in terror. "What the sh-t?" I dodged several people. Shaye looked ahead, terror on her face. "Oh, no." She grimaced. "What? What is it? Oh, no." I grimaced as well, seeing the crowd from before pour out of Sack's "charity" ball. "We gotta go, now." Shaye took my hand and started running to the nearest subway station.

We slid down the stair rail, then started running towards a bench. We stopped fully when we realized who was waiting for us. "Sh-t, Foot Clan..." Shaye muttered to herself. Our suspicions were further confirmed when we saw April being taken hostage by a man in black clothing. "Oh, sh-t!" I gasped. Although we were afraid and were at an eternal war with the b-tch, we both decided to go rescue April.

We slipped through a fence, then snuck towards the stairs. Shaye stopped suddenly, shaking. I felt her fear at that moment, and we both turned around, facing two Foot Clan soldiers. On second thought, walking home doesn't sound like a bad idea... "Hello boys, we're just heading back, so... could you please move?" Shaye smiled a bit, trying to trick them. But they were unfazed as they grabbed us by the arms. "That's a no." She squeaked.

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