4: Into the sewers

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I'm doing a lot of shiz tomorrow so consider this the early Halloween release!
Happy early spoop day :D

"Shaye, I just have one question." I washed my face in the bathroom, drying it off. "Yeah?" Shaye was laying on her bed, doing a full-colored page with markers. "How the Hell do they know who you are?!" I flopped onto my bed, plugging my black headphones into my phone. "They're psychics." Shaye chortled, fixing her black glasses. I wheezed a bit, then started playing some Love Live! All Stars on my phone.

A few hours had passed, and now it was 1 in the morning. Insomnia, baby, woo. Shaye looked down at her phone, scrolling through art posts. "You know what? F-ck it. I'm gonna message April's former co-worker." She flipped her sandy hair, then went to messages. She had found Vern's phone number, so it didn't take long for her to message him. I watched over her shoulder, Baby Yoda plush in my arms.

"Salutations, Mr. Fenwick. I, Shaye "The Rock" Shayeson have contacted you to inform you of something you must keep a secret from everyone, even Erick Sacks. You see, my friend and I have recently come across four, six-foot, turtle-like vigilantes that speak English. We believe that they are the vigilantes fighting back against the Foot Clan." Shaye read her text aloud. "Good, good, structure's good..." I nodded, adjusting my glasses.

"If you have any further questions that you would like to ask us, please let us know. Sincerely, Shaye "The Rock" Shayeson." Shaye finished typing and sent the text. She crashed onto her pillows. "Oh, look at that. The kanji in the symbol means "family". Who knew?" I wrote the symbol's kanji into a translator on my phone. "Oh." Shaye balanced a pen on her glasses. "I'm bored, good night." I dove under the covers and fell asleep to my comfort audios.

The next morning, Shaye slightly tapped my head. "Usako, wake up!" She sat on my bed. I jolted up, placing on my glasses in a hurry. "So? Did he respond?!" I looked down at Shaye's phone. "Yep. All he said was "Thanks for informing me. Also, where's April? Vern Fenwick." Oh God, he doesn't know." She read a fresh reply sent by Vern, panicking a bit.. "...Oops." I muttered. Out of everything we told him, we didn't tell him about April's death. Well sh-t.

For the rest of the day, we did particularly nothing. I mean sure, we went to the theater to watch some new shows, get our daily drinks, and buy some more pens and markers, but other than that, it was a particularly quiet day. Maybe because the news wasn't kicking down the door like the FBI. "New York turtle vigilantes. Aaaaaand... nothing. Hm... I should probably take out the turtle." I sat at my desk, trying again and again to find results on my laptop.

"I can tell you're getting antsy. And also, no dark web. That place is crawling with viruses." Shaye stood behind me. "Trust me, I wouldn't go there. And besides, I have a very good antivirus program! So no one will be hacking my laptop anytime soo.." I was cut off when I saw my screen glitching. "Bam! You've been hacked!" A voice came from my laptop. I swear, I wanted to slam my face on the keys, but I couldn't do that to my precious laptop.

"Are you sh-tting me right now?" Shaye facepalmed. "Six months of having Avast Antivirus installed wasted!" I threw my hands up dramatically. "By Donatello. Remember me? Turtle. Four eyes." The voice continued. Oh, so that's turtle 4's name. "But enough about me. We told you we'd find you. Meet us here. And come alone." The screen displayed a location: the rooftop where we first met the turtles.

"Or... Or else we're... You shall be punished and stuff." The voice warned, and then it stopped. "Sounds terrifying..." I shivered, my mind flashing to Danganronpa executions. "What the Hell do they need us for? And if it's that important, we should go. Don't wanna be rude." Shaye slipped on her white shoes. I went off to the bathroom to cleanse my face, wash my hands twice, and put on my Baby Yoda mask.

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