9: Happy together

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And we're back with a break from t e a r s
It's crazy I'm almost done with this, I've come so far ;w;

"It's been a while, journal. After the whole shebang with the turtles went down, Shaye and I got a therapist and it really helped us recover from the events. Although, I still get scared of radio towers.. Anyways, the turtles managed to get the mutagen to help their father, that's a plus." I stopped typing and signed the laptop journal entry. It has been at least three weeks since the final battle, and Shaye and I were both glad Splinter's good.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Shaye saved her art progress. "Dunno.. Oh, the turtles have a new ride they wanna show us." I looked down at the communicator we were given to talk and text with the turtles. "Sounds sweet, let's go." Shaye headed out the door, and I followed, leaving behind my mask, Lysol, and hat. It took a couple of minutes, but we made it under the bridge.

"There they are. New York's secret weapons." Vern chuckled. Guess he was there to see, too. "Hey, Vern. How's your arm?" Shaye greeted him. "Well, it wouldn't be much use in a fight. Not that I was much use before, but..." Vern sighed, his arm in a visible cast position. Fighting a corrupted millionaire really did a number on that guy. "New car?" I pointed out the vehicle he was sitting on.

"Yeah. You're looking at the new Fenwick Express. Pretty sweet, huh? Kind of an upgrade. I've actually wanted to call you two here to present these to you. Channel 6 wanted me to hand you guys these plaques as thanks for taking down Shredder and Sacks." Vern gave us two wooden plaques, with two of them engraved in our favorite colors. Engraved in the wood were our names and the words: "Heroes of New York"

"Sweet." Shaye smiled as I admired the wood plaque, my eyes were like stars at this point. Suddenly, we heard a car horn honk a tune. Ah, the turtles. "DJ Mikey in the house!" Mikey popped out of the van's door side. Shaye and I waved to them, chuckling a bit as we approached them. "We figured we owed you a thanks for keeping our secret." Leo smiled. "You had a lot to gain from telling people about us, but you had our backs," Raph added.

"Well, that's what family's for, right?" Shaye gave him a thumbs up. I nodded strongly in agreement. "So you guys are driving now?" Vern piped up. "Yeah, man. I pimped this bad boy out. Got a 42-inch plasma with the NBA package, shave ice machine, 7.1 digital surround sound." Donnie explained. "Dream car. Dream car. Dream car." Shaye and I chanted in unison. "Check the bass, bra." Mikey pressed a button, and a whole-ss bazooka came out.

"Wait, this is a Michael Bay-produced vehicle, right?" I read the tire. "Mhm, it is. So where's the explosions pack?" Shaye nodded but quickly turned around to see the bazooka shoot straight into Vern's car and collide, causing a huge explosion. "Ah. There it is." I uttered, shutting my eyes a bit to avoid being blind. Shaye nodded, wiping sweat off her face from the heat. "My bad. I'm still figuring out the buttons." Mikey gritted his teeth as the car fell over, in flames.

"That was my new Fenwick Express!" Vern uttered. "That's rough, buddy." I patted his back. "We better get out of here. Want a ride home?" Leo offered. "Uhhh.. thanks, I guess. But, uh.." I struggled to answer. "You know what? I think we're gonna take the subway." Shaye assured me and Vern. "Yeah. That works." I nodded in agreement. "You sure? I got a real nice song that's all cued up. It's special, girl." Mikey queried us as police sirens approached slowly.

"No, don't." Raph facepalmed. "Come on, Mikey." Leo gripped the steering wheel, almost knowing what was gonna happen. "No, no, no, Mikey, you promised." The turtles clamored as Mikey switched on Happy Together. You know, that one overrated happy song in movies that are used wrong often. That one. "It's happening." Mikey began attempting to serenade Shaye with the song, and I just started bursting into laughter. "Oh my god." Shaye wheezed a bit.

"I'm making really good headway!" Mikey was crammed back into the van. "Shut up, Mikey!" We could hear the other turtles shout that as the van drove away. "Well. That was something." Shaye started walking to the subway station. I followed her but stopped in my tracks when I heard Mikey pop back out, attempting to sing again. I wheezed and fell to the floor before Shaye and I started singing back in between laughs. In New York, the craziest things truly can happen.

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