3: Fully facing them

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She glanced down back at me, slightly scared. "Uhh.... Okay. Big weird, ripped nightmare incarnations of Shrek?" She muttered to me, then glanced back up. "SH-T." She braced herself. I gathered up the courage to peer over the ledge, seeing a screaming Shaye get dragged onto the roof by a chain. Panicking, I jumped onto the roof and ran over to her side. "Shaye, oh my God, are you okay!?" I checked her for injuries.

"Yeah." She nodded, getting up a little. "Give me the camera." We heard a threatening, deep voice come from above. I winced, glancing up. "Ooh, look, he's doing his Batman voice." I heard another voice, which sounded lighter and happier. Shaye also looked up, and she was just as terrified as I was. The figure itself was not human, rather more animal-like. Its skin was slimy and moss green and it had a large brown shell that looked like it was made out of plastic.

"If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna..." The turtle-like human raised his weapons. I panicked, bowing before him. "Don't kill her, alien overlords! She's just very blunt about everything!" I shivered. "Enough!" We turned to see another "alien" flip off of a water tower. The alien from before left Shaye and me to face the figure before us. "There's no way this is real..." Shaye and I got up, backing away.

Another alien dropped down behind us, and Shaye and I started screaming, terrified. First me, then Shaye, then both of us. "Whoa. Chill. It's just a mask. See? Don't freak out." The figure removed his orange-colored mask, revealing his face. "You know what? F-ck it, this is all just a goddamn dream, I'm gonna pass out, and then I'll be in my apartment and Usako will burst through the door with magnets! Peace out." Shaye ranted, then passed out.

I stared at her on the floor, then back up at the alien. Since I was a shortie, I was staring up at the alien. "Um..." I stuttered, then found another alien figure. "Oh, I think that went well." He observed Shaye, placing her somewhere else to observe her. "No sh-t." I raised my arms and placed them behind my head, following him. He turned on something on his face goggles, shining a light on Shaye.

"Breathing steady. Blood pressure stabilizing." He observed Shaye, who had a Tabbes face. "Why are we still here playing doctor?" The alien who threatened her grumbled. "She may have a head injury." The second alien we encountered shot back. "Uh, correction. She's a hot chick who may have a head injury, which makes it our civic duty to..." The alien that made Shaye passed out started rambling.

"Ma'am, ma'am. Can you hear me? Do you know what city you're in? Do you know where you are?" The alien observing Shaye snapped his fingers in her face, waking her up a little bit. "Have you seen that video where the cat plays Chopsticks with the chopsticks?" Alien number 3 asked her. My face lit up, because hahaha, cat lover. "No, send it to me! My Discord number is-" I started conversing with him before being pushed aside by alien number 2.

"Guys, please! Come on. Give her some air." Alien 4 sighed as Shaye slowly got up. "Are you f-cking kidding me right now? I was about to die to Dwayne the Alien Johnson, a dude with a stick, shoulder pads with window blinds with a shirt, and a green hippie? And I was in a hostage situation earlier. Usako, if we survive this, we're gonna need your musical money to buy therapy sessions." Shaye ranted, walking over to me. I nodded, jotting down notes.

"Also, what are you?" I turned to the aliens. "Well, Miss, uh, we're ninjas." Alien 2 informed us, causing me to nod in respect while Shaye gave a quick thumbs up. "We're mutants." Alien 1 growled, making me cower while Shaye nodded, impressed. "Well, technically, we're turtles.
Turtle 4 told us as I adjusted my glasses while Shaye pulled out a water bottle for us. "Oh, and we're teenagers! But we can still have adult conversations." I nearly spat out my water.

"Okay, so you're... Ninja mutant turtle teenagers?" I counted four on my fingers as soon as I finished my water. "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!" Turtle 4 remarked. "She's trying her best!" Shaye crossed her arms, defending me. I nodded a bit, a "U^U" expression on my face. Okay, now that I think about it, that probably sounds cursed. "See, she's looking at us like we're freaks." Turtle 1 pointed at us.

"I bet that's why you took our picture, wasn't it? To show your friends?" He accused us. "I-I-I assure you, that is not the case!" I stuttered, and it was true. We hadn't even pulled out our phones yet. "Bro, that's a good thing! Maybe she has hot friends." Turtle 3 smiled a bit, and Shaye and I turned to look at each other. "Um... I would say self-deprecating aspiring artist friends that are future comedians." She told them, making me nod a little.

"Leonardo, if we want to make it home before Master, we gotta hustle." Turtle 4 checked his watch. "Leonardo?" She repeated, a bit surprised. Turtle 2, whose name was presumably Leonardo, came up to us. "Do not say a word about this to anyone. If you do, we will find you. Shaye "The Rock" Shayeson." He pointed at Shaye. "We're on the move, Raphael." He turned to Turtle 1. "Raphael?" I repeated, jotting their names down in my notes.

"Yeah! We'll find you, Shayeson." Turtle 3 warned us, then left. I glanced at Shaye, a bit uncomfortable. Turtle 3 came back suddenly, surprising me. "I'm sorry, that came across super creepy, okay? We will find you, though." He told us before leaving eventually. I nodded the whole time, giving him several thumbs up. I then pulled out my phone as soon as the turtles were further away. As I snapped photos, Shaye looked at them, uneasy and worried.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rising Again (TMNT 2014 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now