Chapter 9

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November 7, Quidditch Field

The frosty air nipped at the students noses, watching the empty quidditch field with an air of suspense. 

"Welcome to todays match, Slytherin Versus Gryffindor!!" Lee Jordan, a kid in Fred and George's grade opened the match, the queue for both teams to exit their respected tents, carrying their brooms to the middle of the pitch. "You know, I'm not one to look forward to a quidditch match, but I love it every time I've been to one." I tell Hermione, looking down at her. 

"Oh? My first year I didn't even know what quidditch was, and god forbid Ron show me up, so the first day after he told me I researched the heck out of the topic." Hermione whispers, getting close to my ear so Ron wouldn't hear.

I chuckle, "Wouldn't have expected less Mione." I scan the towers, seeing the teachers booth, and then right next to the teachers tower, is another booth with.... Lucious. "Oh God." 

"What?" Mione asks, turning her full attention on me. 

"Lucious Malfoy is here."

"Draco's Dad?" 

"Yeah, I didn't tell you three did I?" 

"Tell us what?" Mione demands, her scowl shifting into confusion. 

"Lucious Malfoy raised me until I was five, and then on the breaks from school." 

"LUCIOUS MALFOY?" She yells. 

"Yeah." I rub the back of my neck, embarrassed, looking into her Caramel eyes. 

"But then why is your last name Black?"

"Sirius was my uncle, he was the one who was more as a father to me than Lucious, So I changed my name to be closer to him." 

"Sirius Black?" Ron cuts in, a wide eyed look in his eyes. "As in the murderer, Sirius Black?" 

"The very same." 

"Why is he considered to be your father? He killed 12 people!" 

"Ron, I cannot change his actions that he may have done, he was my father and he loved me like one." 

"THATS ANOTHER GOAL FOR SLYTHERIN, THEY NOW LEAD 90 TO 30." Lee Jordan's voice carries through the arena. 

I suddenly get a pit in my stomach and I snap my head up, looking for Harry, he was in the middle of the field, Wood yelled something to him, but a bludger came back and broke the handle of his broom off, making wood fall to the sand below. I slow down his falling with a sharp snap and watch as he safely lands on his feet. I look back over at Harry and see the Bludger chasing him all around the pitch.

"Bludgers aren't supposed to bloody do that!" Ron yells, watching Harry try and get away from it. 

"Blimey! Harry's got himself a rogue Bludger! that's been tampered with that has!"  

Ron pulls out his taped up wand and tries and aims for the bludger, "I'll stop it."

"No!" Me and Hermione both yell, pushing his arm down. "Even with a proper wand it's too risky! you could hit Harry!"

Harry gets away from the bludger for a second, and then Draco and Harry both go after the snitch after Harry spots it, right by Draco's ear. 

Harry and Draco disappear to around the pitch, under the actual ground. I close my eyes and project my eyes to see them. Harry was behind Draco, the bludger catching up, the snitch just out of Draco's reach. "You'll never catch me Potter!" Draco spits. 

Just as he says that Harry passes him, leaving Draco to deal with the Bludger. They pass each other a few more times, before the bludger exits out the bottom and then comes back in, in front of Harry. Harry and Draco dodges, but Draco hits the top of his broom on a beam and flies up onto the grass, rolling on it a few times, then laying down with the wind knocked out of him. 

I look back up at Harry and see he's reaching for the snitch, a hair away from grabbing it, but the rogue bludger comes from the side and hits Harry's arm, forcing it to slap away, spinning Harry in the process. He reaches out for the snitch in his other hand, I couldn't really see for a second as he slips to the bottom of his broom, sliding on the sand before just flopping. "Harry Potter has got the Snitch! Gryffindor winnnns!!" 

I could see the big smile on Harry's face before making eye contact with the bludger. I jump from the stands onto the field, throwing my hand up at it, disintegrating it with ease.

Basically the whole pitch started to sprint to Harry, Lockhart in the lead. 

"Harry! Are you alright?" Lockhart asks, sliding down to his side, grabbing his arm. "Broken, I know just the spell to fix it."

"NO! anyone but you, Katana?" I smirk and sit down next to him also, about to snap my fingers. 

"No! Katana if you do this I'll fail you, and Harry my boi, you don't know what you are talking about!" Lockhart pulls out his blue wand and points it at Harry's arm, yelling a charm I know is wrong. "NO! Stop!" I scream at him, taking his wand away. But I was a little too late, Harry's wrist and hand had no bones left, luckily it wasn't his entire arm. 

"Insolent child, what have you done!" 

"No, what have you done? Look at his bloody hand Lockhart! No bones in them at all!" 

"Ah, yeah well, at least the bone isn't broken anymore." Lockhart says, picking up the arm that goes limp. I scoff, and pick Harry up, walking off the pitch with him in my actual arms. "Harry, close your eyes for a second." I tell him. Once he does I materialize into the Infirmary, placing him on a cot. "Poppy!" I yell out, looking for her. 

"Katana?" She responds, walking towards me. 

"Lockhart happened." I explain, watching as she looks at Harry's hand. 

"Bloody Hell." Poppy mutters, huffing and grabbing a skeleton bottle

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