Chapter 5

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(I changed almost everything, you'll see why it was needed)

-Sept 5, late

"Let me tell you a story my dear." Dumbledore says as he sits on his red chair behind his desk. I sit in the brown chair across from the old wizard, ready to hear this 'story.' 

"Tom Riddle was a boy who had been a student here many years ago, extremely bright, confident, respected.-" 

I look up at him with my one eye in surprise, Twinkles was telling me the story of Lord Voldemort. Willingly. 

"In his earlier years here, he opened the Chamber of Secrets, where he continued to release a monster that killed muggle-borns under his command. This is how Hagrid got expelled, he was framed by Tom." 

"If you knew this, why did you not act?" I ask. 

"I had no proof besides a couple of memories and my gut feeling. And you know how memories can get warped. So, I was forced into silence. As Riddle grew, he met a woman, her name was Diana Lispers. Together, they ruled Hogwarts, students respected and feared them-" Dumbledore looks at a portrait to his right. I look also, it was a non-moving painting, one of a woman, silver hair and bright blue eyes. 

"Diana painted that for me when she graduated. Said she always wanted herself in my office. Diana was my favorite student to teach." I smile kindly, the woman was vaguely familiar, I could see her holding a baby version of me in my younger weeks. She had sung songs to me, they calmed me drastically. 

"They fell in love. Not the fake love that can be broken, but the kind that makes you overlook flaws and horrible things. Tom Riddle was born because of a love potion, making it impossible to love.-" 

"Then how did they love each other?" 

"Diana broke his curse, no one knows how, but he could finally feel again. A few years into the first war, they had a child. This child was born at the end of the seventh month, exactly a year before The Boy Who Lived." 

"I was born July 31, 1979." I murmur, seeing the correlation. 

"You were present the night Harry Potter survived. You were hit with the blast that killed your father, that is the reason why your eye is the way it is."

"My biological parents are Tom Riddle and Diana Lispers." I mutter, slumping against the back of my chair. The cool leather an unwanted feeling against my robes. 

"How did you know that I was there?" I ask him.

"Sirius Black was there, he was babysitting you at the time."

"I remember that. But how do you know?" 

"Hagrid had mentioned that Sirius Black gave him the motorcycle, saying that Sirius would not need it soon." 

"Because of Peter Pettigrew." I say, rubbing my forehead, clenching my eyes tight. Remembering that small rat. 

"I'm not supposed to side with supposed murderers who weren't given a fair trial." Dumbledore sarcastically drawls. I smirk. 

"So, how do I come into this story?" I ask.

"After you were born, Diana realized how love had blinded her. She gave you to Narcissa, telling her to take care of the Dark Lord's daughter. She disappeared that night. No one knows where she went.

"After your mother disappeared, your father became very protective over you. He. . . . . .  experimented on you. He gave you Veela and Dragon blood. the blood together warped your genetics, making you as indestructible as a dragon. Voldemort even believed that with enough willpower, you could sprout wings when needed." 

"How!?" I slump into my chair, the statement baffling my mind. 

"Narcissa erased your memories of your father after he disappeared, only leaving your mother who wasn't your mother anymore. She had thought it would bring you up different. Give you a choice." 

"So I do have something to thank her for after all." 

His white wavy beard bunched together and spread again as he gently nodded. 

"What about Draco?!"

"All her knows is that you are his sister he hasn't seen in years." 

"Good." I stand up, needing to get blood into my brain again. 

"Goodness, look at the time my dear!" Dumbledore stated, standing up slowly. I look into the bright eyes of the old man in front of me. 

"Do you think I could end up like him?" I whisper, hugging myself. 

He breaths in, and then answers slowly. "No. I do not believe you will ever end up like him."

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I hate authors notes but this is kind of needed, I'm not doing exactly my best right now, as in my writing is not up to my usual level. I just feel drained and not motivated. So, the next chapter might be tomorrow, next week, or even next month, but I just need to get my motivation where it was before school started up again. //:

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