Chapter 3

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Sept 5, Third year

I was outside, wandering the grounds, not being able to sleep yet again. I watched the sun rise from the highest quidditch tower, but before the dawn of dew, I saw a mob of scarlet robed people walk their way down to the pitch, walking into a the Gryffindor Locker room. 

Around forty minutes to an hour later, they all emerge again. I perk up, excited for a show. The Gryffindor team starts to practice, throwing balls to each other while flying to the other side of the field. They do well, but not well enough for the team captain, who yelled at them for 'juke farther to the left,' 'don't throw like that,' 'you'll break your body if you hold your broom like that.' I could tell that the captain was very adamant and headstrong, but at what, quarter to seven in the morning? I stand up on my tower, resting my arms on the wall, as I do this, I notice two things, A, there was a tiny spot of green coming closer towards the pitch, and B, The team captain noticed me. "Hey!" I hear. I lazily look in the general direction of the captain, his whole entire team looked at me also. "What are you doing here? Spying on us?" He demands, jerking in anger. 

I snort. "God no, I couldn't sleep, I was watching the sunrise well before you guys even woke up. So, technically I should be asking you, why you are here? Are you spying on me?" I joke, a light smirk on my face. "You know, you get things much easier in life if you just talk to people."

"I'm not spying on y-ou." He stutters, out of anger or embarrassment I do not know, he had both on written on his face. 

"I'm Katana by the way." I tell him, reaching my hand out, he floats closer, grasping my hand, shaking it twice, saying "Oliver." 

"Nice to meet you Oliver-" I look down, seeing the mob of green now actually the Slytherin team. "But I believe you have a bigger problem than me." I gesture to the green clad people, watching as Olivers face morph into anger. 

He zooms down, landing harshly on the ground, I laugh through my nose, materializing a few feet behind the Gryffindors, since I can't apparate on school property, I learned an alternative. "What do you think you're doing Flint?" I hear Oliver demand. Flint gestures to the field, a huge smirk on his cruel face. I see Hermione and Ron run up from the stands also, followed by a younger boy holding a huge camera. 

"Quidditch practice." 

"I booked the field for today." Oliver folds his arms.

"Yeah, I have a note from Professor Snape saying that we do." Oliver snatches the note out of flints grasp, reading it out-loud. "I, professor Severus Snape, hereby give permission to the Slytherin quidditch team to practice in the morning in order to train their new seeker..... You have a new seeker?"

The Slytherin team steps aside, and out emerges my brother, a signature Slytherin smirk written all over his smug mouth. I roll my eyes, petty. 

"Malfoy?" Harry steps forward, a look of confusion on his face. 

"That's right, and that's not all that's new this year." Draco shows off his black handled broom, which I know to be the new Nimbus 2001. 

"Those are Nimbus 2001's, they're not even on the market yet, how did you get those?" Ron asks, admiring them. 

"Gift from Draco's father." Flint states smugly. 

"See Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." I step forward, making eye contact with Draco. "Can't afford everything, apparently he can't buy a book on how to raise a child." I smirk, the whole Gryffindor team laughs, but Draco knows I wasn't talking about him, I was talking about me, while bashing 'our' father. 

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in." Hermione begins. "They got in on pure talent." 

Draco steps closer to Granger, his eyes squinting in anger. "No one asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." I almost punch Draco in his huge mouth, one should never say something as vile as that, but Weasley, he pulled out his wand before I stopped debating in my head wether or not I should punch my brother. "You'll pay for that one Malfoy. Eat Slugs!" Ron yells. A flash of green light emerged from the center of his wand, but backfiring and hitting Ron, making him fly back. The Slytherin Team burst out laughing, and the Gryffindor team rushed to help Ron. I stay where I am, an emotionless face, staring at my brother, giving nothing away. I could hear Ron puke out something, and then a flash emerged. I roll my eyes, knowing it was the idiot younger boy. 

"What?" Draco demands after noticing me staring at him. I step forward, getting into his face, looking down at him. "The word Mudblood is a vile and cruel word used by illiterates and moronic people. Are you saying you are illiterate Draco?" I spit. 

"No." He spits, looking past me. 

"I suggest you think before you say words like that again, do you understand me." I squint, making my point get across. 

"Yes." He -almost- squeaks. Flint comes to his rescue, dragging Draco behind his body. I look up from Draco. "Who do you think you are, insulting a Malfoy." I smirk. 

"I'm Katana, I like to go by Black because my father was never my father. But, I was known as Katana Malfoy." I tell him, smirking evilly, watching his face morph into a lot of emotions. 

"Good day imbeciles!" I turn around, waving at them, following the path that Harry and Hermione made while carrying Ron.

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