Chapter 4

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7pm Sept 5, third year

I had left the Great hall early, not wanting to spend another second at the Slytherin table, all of those stuck up little 'purebloods.' Even Draco had began to become unbearable.

I had found myself just wandering, letting my feet lead me anywhere, I had ended up on the seventh floor, where I turn around once, and then twice, pacing back once more for good measure, I had no Idea why I had done it, but I felt the need to do it. I look to my right, watching as a grand door appears from the wall, almost inviting me to walk in. 

I slip into the room, closing the door quietly behind me, immediately taking in the beauty of the room, huge white columns, a tiny sandy beach, a small pond that I could see lead to the Black Lake, and over to the left a whole entire training floor with magic dummies that could come alive with a simple flick. I look at the tiny beach with a curious expression, why would I need that? I know that this room is the Room of Requirement, And it shows what you most need, I had read it in Hogwarts A History. But why the cave leading to the lake?

I snap my fingers, my clothes turning into a silver one piece swimsuit, One that I had materialized for swimming competitions in Beauxbatons. I slink into the water, peering into the opening, trying to find something. I don't know what, but it was something I was looking for. 

I dive into the water after making up my mind, my eyes growing accustomed to the dark scenery.  I breathe in, feeling the water convert into oxygen in my throat, giving air to my lungs. I move tall columns of kelp out of my way, kicking my legs to propel me forward. I had pushed even more kelp out of my way, but before I swam more forward, I had to glide up to get over a rock floor. 'What is this?' I thought. I counted five pedestals, There was an inscription in front of the four. "Champions Prize." Was written on the rock. 

Out of nowhere, I saw a gold trident being thrown at me. I caught it, holding the handle right by the spokes, the weapon about to pierce my throat. I maneuver the trident, holding it defensively, "What do you want?" I demand, looking around, trying to find the person who threw the trident. Gold eyes appear through the forest. I snap my head towards it. A Selkie slinked out of the forest, her head hung low. I put down the trident, watching in interest. She drops to her knees- or, umm, tail? her head on the floor, hands out in front. "Forgive me, My Queen! I had not known it was you!" She cries, her voice gargling in the water. I walk gently forward, kneeling to her level, watching her tail. 

"It's alright, I'm not hurt." I tell her, watching as her head comes up, her green eyes making eye contact with mine before shutting immediately. "I am ready for my punishment My Queen." She whimpers.

"Punishment!?" I demand, standing up, outraged. The Selkie looks up, confusion in her eye. 

"I had thrown a weapon at you." She tells me, her brow creasing. I huff, helping her up. 

"What is your name?" I ask gently. 

"Murcus." She says, not meeting my eyes. 

"I am Katana."

"We know Your Majesty, your name has been written on the quartz tablet for years!" 

"What Tablet?" 

"The prophesied tablet, the one our priest overlooks." Her eyes slightly flinch at her saying priest. 

"Does he rule while the Prophesied are not alive?" She nods her head, looking around. 

"Is he not a very just ruler?" 

"I am not allowed to say anything bad about Priest!" 

"I am queen now." I remind her. Shaking the weird feeling from that sentence.

"Then. . . . . Priest deserves to go down to the deeps!" She tells me, immediately looking around, watching if anyone heard her. Her eyes grow huge, and she grabs my hand, swimming into the forest of kelp. "What is it?" I ask her. 

"We need to bring you to the castle before the Squid sees you!" She tells me. 

"What's wrong about the squid?" I ask her, knowing my last experience was actually quite nice with the purple creature. "Oh, no, She's amazing, she is our protector, she'll just have my head if she knows you're in the lake on not in the palace!" 

"Palace? You mean Hogwarts?" I ask. The Selkie fully stops, her tubes for hair swishing in front of her, snapping her eyes towards me. "No, I mean your Palace, The one that lies at the very bottom of this lake, above the deeps." She tells me. 

"What is 'the deeps?'" I ask her. 

"It's where all of the evil creatures live, it's basically a hell." 

"How do you know what hell is?"

"Slytherins taught us through sign language." She tells me. I nod, finding the history fascinating. 


I snap my head around, looking at the far-away wall of the Hogwarts castle. "Did you hear that?" I ask her, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. 

"No. I didn't" She says, looking at me with concern. 

"It's probably nothing then." I mutter, turning to her, ready to be dragged to 'my' palace. 

- - - - - - - - 

I swam through the opening of the castle, into the Room of Requirement again, a look of amazement plastered on my face. "So you've seen the wonders of the black lake." I hear a soft familiar voice. I wipe the water under my eyes, staring at the white-bearded, twinkly eyed man. "Evening Twinkles." I greet, materializing a black towel. 

"How was visiting the lake?" 

"Amazing. Turns out, I have all-speak, and am Queen of the magical creatures." I tell him casually, drying my long silver hair. I really need to get a haircut, or I'll just cut it myself. I snap my fingers, my eye-patch materializing on my face again. 

"Yes, what an amazing relation." He smiles lightly. I smirk.

"I know, isn't it?" I tell his sarcastically, my swimsuit shifting into my school robes. "So, how is it that I can talk all languages I don't even know, and how am I queen of the Black Lake?" 

"Not just the Black Lake, Dear child."

I throw my hands up in the air, "Great, just what I need." 

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