Chapter 8

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November 4, Transfiguration

"Can I have your attention please?" Minnie asks as she steps into her classroom, one where I was leaning up against the cold stone walls, watching the trio. 

"Right, now today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets." She looks around the classroom, eyeing the students faces. "Like so, one, two, three, Fera verto." Her bird twists up into a silvery mess before reforming into a silver glass goblet, one that she always has beside her gold goblet during feasts. "Now its your turn." Minnie steps off her little ledge, walking up to the desks, each ordained with their respected animal. "Well, who would like to go first? Ah, Mister Weasley, one two three, fera verto." 

Ron clears his throat, taking out his mangled and taped up wand, a nervous expression blossoming on his face. He flicks it up and down three times, and then squeaks out the incantation. A green light emits from the center of his wand, hitting his rat. 

The class laughs quietly as his rat formed into a goblet, the tail still moving, hair all over the challice. To be honest, I was expecting worse, with the damage done to his wand, the goblet shouldn't have even halfway formed as it did. "That wand need replacing Mr. Weasley." She starts to walk to other students, where Hermione's hand shot up in the air, her bushy hair bustling at the movement. "Yes Miss Granger?" 

"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the." She took a small breath, looking down. "Chamber of Secrets." 

Minnie looks around the now-silent classroom, pairs of eyes staring back at her, curiosity swirling in them. "Very well. um, Miss Black?" She says, looking towards the very back, where I was up against the shadows, all eyes turned towards me. I sigh, walking up to the front, my patch glinting where the sunlight hit it. 

"When Hogwarts was founded thousands of years ago, by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. For some reason they liked alliterating their names to match." I jest, earning small smiles. 

"They all coexisted for a long time, until Salazar expressed his views on who should be able to attend to the school. He believed that all magic learning should be kept with all magic families, in other words, purebloods." I glance down at Hermione, who was staring up at me with confusion, probably wondering why I was telling the story, and not Minnie. "After he deemed it a waste of time to sway the others, he left the school." 

I paused my walking, staring at Harry and all the rest of the students for a second. "According to legend, Salazar had built a hidden chamber in this castle. Known as the Chamber of Secrets, but shortly before he departed, he sealed it, until the time when his own true heir would open it, where the heir alone would unleash a beast, and cleanse the school of all deemed unworthy to attend." 

"Muggle-borns." Hermione added. I look down into her eyes, searching for a trace of fear. 

"Exactly." I answered. 

"Now, naturally, the school has been searched countless times, no such chamber has been found." Minnie cut in. 

"Professor, what does legend tell us that lies within the chamber?" 

"It is said that what lies in the chamber is a horror that only the heir of Slytherin can control." She answers, looking at me. "It is said, that it is the home... of a monster." 

Ron's terrified expression looks behind him, at a smirking Draco. What has Lucious done to my once kind little brother? 

- - - - - - - - - - -

"What are you three doing this time?" I ask, stepping in front of them. Hermione immediately hides a little slip of paper behind her back as they all yell "Nothing!" 

"Mmhm." I hum, looking at all of them in their eyes, breaking down their defenses. I snap my fingers, the slip of paper zooming into my hands. "Most Potente Potions, and a signature from Lockhart." Hermione reaches to snatch it back, a troubled expression on her face. I keep it away. "What potion are you trying to make? I'll help you." 

"You will?" Ron and Harry demand. I give the paper back to Mione, staring deep into her eyes once again. "Of course." She blushes and looks at her shoes, suddenly admiring them, I smirk. 

"Moaning Myrtles bathroom is probably the best spot to make it, for no one will ever go in their willingly." I tell them, "What potion do you need?" 

"PolyJuice Potion." Hermione whispers. I nod, 'without exposing my powers, I could make it in a few days, but with Hermione knowing how to make it also, I would have to follow the instructions.' 

"Alright, most of the stuff is in Severus' closet, it'll take close to a month to make." 

"Yeah, Hermione told us." Harry said, looking at the paper. I nod, and check my watch that appeared in my hand, pretending to need to get somewhere important than besides the forest.

"I need to go, I'll talk to you guys at dinner or tomorrow if I'm not there."

"Why wouldn't you be there?" Hermione demands. 

"Will you miss me?" I joke, winking. Her blush depends even more, as she indignantly raises her head high. 

"No, I was just wondering where you will be if not at the feast." 

"Ah, I'll be in the forest if you need me Mione." I smirk, brushing past her, walking out a side door of the castle, a wide smile now breaking my face open. God, I have it bad. 

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