The Fight

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I ran toward the bridge. My dragon strength helped me to be faster than a normal teenager.

I was not distracted the people, noise, and music around me. Nothing meant more than stopping that bomb. The bridge will be destroyed soon if I don't make it there in time. I was probably three hundred feet from the bridge when a random man blocked my path. Another man came and stood ten feet behind me.

These were more of Drake's men. Their job was to stop me or kill me.

I ran through an allyway next to me. Then I jumped around the corner of a building. The men followed, and more men came out of nowhere.

Since I was out of public view I shifted and whirled around to face the men. My tail slithered back and forth.

The men ran toward me fearlessly. They had expected me to shift.

I recognized one of them as Galvin. He was the double-agent who had turned against the team, and had helped in kidnapping me.

I roared and lunged at him. I took him off guard by my furious outburst, and pinned him to the ground. The breath was knocked out of him, but he managed to pull out a knife. Then he uselessly tried stabbing me through my scales.

I grabbed the knife and flung it away. Then I jumped to the left so I could dodge an oncoming man. The man drew a gun out of his holster.

I kindled the fire within me. The temperature of my body sky-rocketed. My claws became blistering orange.

I snatched away the man's gun, and melted the barrel of the gun. He saw what I did and started yelling. I roar back at him as I jumped toward him.

Then another man tried distracting me. I reached out and only skimed his arm with my hot talons. It left nasty red claw marks.

I looked back at the other man as I received a punch from him. The punch didn't even bother me. I pulled my lips back and snarled at him menacingly. He stepped back fearfully. I whipped my tail around and burned the side of his leg with the hot spines at the end of my tail.

More men took his place.

I won't be stopped this time!

I could feel the fire running though my veins. Adrenaline coursed through my entire body.

I breathed in air, and then blew fire out toward the men. Some men were hit hard, but others barely got burned. I flapped my wings, and the wind from my wings made the remainder of the men fall down, including Galvin.

I quickly shifted back to a human, and started running toward the bridge again. The fight had taken up a lot of time. The bomb was going to do its job if I didn't get there soon.

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