Hiking Trails

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The next day we drove to the first hiking trail where the mountain lion had first attacked. Reina gave me safety tips on guns and how to use one properly on our way to the trail. Alex explained that we would investigate the scene of the attack. He also said we most likely would go on more than one trail that day.

We finally stopped in a small parking lot surrounded by dense forest. Westen got out and talked to the park ranger while we waited in the van.

When he came back he said, "The trail is closed, because of the recent attack. Mr.Liam called and told the ranger to allow us onto the trail. We'll be the only ones out there today."

So we climbed out and got prepared for the hike. The morning air was crisp and cool. I could hear birds singing in the trees. The scents were sharp and tingled my nose.

We soon started the hike. While on the trail, Alex always stayed in the front of our group. Reina stayed in the rear. Everyone in our group was very alert and quiet. Only a few words where spoken. We had been walking for about ten minutes when Alex and Neil started talking in muffled voices. They were both pointing down at a map.

With my special abilities, I heard Neil say, "Yes, we're almost there. It's right over this hill."

Alex turned toward everyone else and announced, "I'll go ahead. The attack sight is over the hill. Then I'll call you to say it's safe." To prove his point, he held up a small transistor radio that fit easily in his hand.

I felt like rolling my eyes, but I withheld the action. Now was not the time to allow my new friends to see me annoyed by their decisions.

    Someone needs to go with Alex. It's way too dangerous!

     I remembered the last time they had separated. It was back at the warehouse in Elias's small town. At least Alex has a gun this time so maybe he'll be fine.

Alex then left and called us about eight minutes later. We walked along the same path over the hill.

As we walked over I could easily smell the lion. It had been a few days since the attack, but there were still remnants of its tangy scent. Alex was currently looking down at the ground inspecting the 'evidence'. There were dark patches of old, dried blood in the dirt. It was definitely human blood. That was the first time I had ever smelled blood from a human being. It was a scent that I soon learned to despise. Not because of how it smelled, but because of what it meant had happened to that person.

The plants around the attack sight were either broken or bent. I saw faint, round paw prints on the ground in the area. I was about to point it out, but the others had already seen it.

Neil cleared his voice and said, "I wish I had some blood samples from the mountain lion. If I did, we might could have learned more about it." We all nodded in agreement.

The team continued to study the area for about ten more minutes. Then we hiked back to the van.

Alex said, "That was the place of the first attack. Now we'll be going to the second attack sight."

"The park ranger told me that all of the attacks came from behind the victims. No one had been attacked facing the lion. So that might be an important fact to remember." Westen said to all of us.

The drive was short to our next destination. The parking lot was bigger this time though, and it was made of concrete instead. We quickly got out and started our second hike.

As we walked through the woods I thought of last night's exploration. The forest was very different in the daylight. There were different sounds. Everything appeared differently too. I could smell warm pine needles and fertile soil. Day was the total opposite of night.

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