The Movies

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          I woke as my nightmare ended. Somehow an image of Drake's evil eyes appeared before I woke.

      I can't be afraid of him. I know I'm going to face Drake again, and I can not be afraid then.
     I couldn't remember the last time I had had any kind of nightmare. I tried to forget about Drake as I got up out of bed. The clock on the wall said 2:09. It had been ten this morning when I had went back to sleep. I had slept five more hours.

     I opened the door to the other room. Elias was the only one there. He was sitting against the wall, and looked very bored.

     "Where's the others?" I asked him.

     He looked up with a smile, "Well, I'm glad that you're finally awake. The team had to go back to the lumber mill to see if there was any evidence from last night, and to gather the contraband there. I stayed here."

     I smiled back, "Is there anything to eat?"

     "Yeah, I'll make you something. I think we only have cereal though." He said and stood up.

     "It's okay. I can get it." I say.

     "Anada, just sit down. I've got this." He says with a laugh.

     He walked to the counter and looked through the cabinets. He found two bowls along with a box of cereal.

      I think I heard Elias mumble to himself, "I'm glad I can at least do something for her."

     A couple seconds later he walked over to the small table  I was at. He had two bowls of cereal.

      "It's not much. You need something better to help you heal." He says with slight concern.

     I say to him, "Elias, it's totally fine. I'll be healed in a few days. It's nothing to worry about."

     He sat down, and began eating. He probably hasn't eaten lunch yet. I can tell by the way he eats fast like me.

     When he finishes he says, "The others won't be back till probably eight tonight. We don't have anything to do here. Maybe we should go see a movie in Portland."

     I nearly choke as I finish the last of my cereal, "Huh? Drake's still out there. Anything could happen."

     He hesitated then said, "Would it help if I brought one of the team's guns?"

     "I don't think you can go in a theater with a gun, Elias." I say.

     "It'll be fine. We won't run into Drake or his henchmen. I'll make sure. So do you want to go or not?" He asks with a grin.

     I sigh and say with another smile, "I guess there's nothing else to do here. Let's do it."

     He washed the bowls, and I went to change into a new pair of clothes.

      My back was still sore, but I had expected that. I put on a loose red t-shirt and jeans. They were new clothes from my shopping trip with Reina.

     The bandage on my right arm was very noticeable, but I wasn't going to take it off.

     I brushed my teeth, and went back into the other room to meet Elias. He stood in the center of the room wearing a green shirt and jeans.

     The shirt was a little long, but I could tell it was covering up his concealed weapon on his right hip.

     "Ready?" He asks.

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