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Tonight I will go flying. I promised that to myself as I served an old couple. I'm at Sarah's and I practically ran here from the river this morning. I had been excited to work another day here.

     Right now, it is cloudy outside and it would be great cover for flying if it stayed that way. The downcast weather and occasional rain showers were keeping people indoors. Except for the men who worked at the harbor and would come in to eat.

While I worked I thought more about Alex and his team. I wondered about their job and what it must be like, but my mind seemed to not stay on subject and would always move on to more important matters.

I met more townsfolk throughout the midday. Later, after lunch, Sarah asked me what my parents thought about my new job with her. I told her that they thought it was a good thing for me to do. I also told her that they said thank you for hiring me. I hated lying to people about my parents, but what else was I supposed to say? 'Yeah, I'm actually an orphan, and everyone who once knew me thinks that I'm dead.'

I was dismissed at 3 that day and Sarah paid me before I left. Since the weather had been downcast, it had badly affected the day's business. Leaving early was actually something that made me sad, but as soon as I stepped out of the diner I saw a familiar face.

"What's up, Anada?" Elias said to me as he stood up from his wet bench.

"Not much. How did you know when I get off work?" I ask him.

"I didn't know. It was a guess, but now I do know. Anyway, I was about to go inside, but I wanted to sit out here for a while." He smiled brightly.

"Well, I'm done. So what's up with you?"

Elias said, "I'm going to help my two brothers with the new shed we're building when I get done eating. I probably should go ahead and grab something so that I can go help them soon."

"I'm going to head on home. I've got to do a few things too. I guess I'll see you later, Elias."

"You too." he said then turned to go inside.

I hadn't been lying when I said that I actually needed to do something. If I'm going flying tonight, then I need to find a safe place to fly off from.

The ground was muddy in the woods when I returned to the river fifteen minutes later. I quickly hid my flip-flops then walked around looking for any clearings where tree limbs couldn't block the view of the sky. I finally found one that was large enough for my wingspan too.

After my search I went back to the river and followed the current back to the ocean. The sea water was cool against my green and blue scales. I saw a pod of dolphins in the distance, but they swam away once one of them saw me. To them, I was a predator. Little do they know that I only eat fish. I have actually have encountered sharks before, but once they realize that I am a threat to them they don't bother me any more.

I quickly snatch a fish and eat it in two single bites. It's easy to catch fish when you have three inch talons on your both your hands and feet!

The light faded earlier than normal. Probably because of the darkening rain clouds. I decided that it was time to go back to the clearing that I had found earlier. When I finally got there I could feel a few drops of rain falling from the lightless sky.

I stretched my wings wide open. They spread out from my shoulder like a huge parachute. With a few beats of my wings, I took off. Then I climbed high into the sky. Wind screamed past my ears. A few raindrops pattered onto my scales and wing membrane. I looked down at the forest and river far below. I was high enough up that someone might possibly think that I was a bird. My wings became wet with the dew and light rain.

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