The Warehouse

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I'm at the fence that surrounds the harbor.

The dim twilight would make it hard for a normal human to see, but not for me. The fence was nine feet tall. I had a run and go, and easily jumped over it. I was now inside the fence. The warehouse wasn't far away. Being quiet was easy as I made my way over to the large building. There are crates stacked by the door of the warehouse. That is were I hide and wait Alex and his 'team'.

They came through the gate in a dark van with no headlights on. Then silently they parked a few yards from the warehouse. I hoped they would be better prepared than last night. The group got out with no words spoken. I watched as they walked to the door closest to me. Alex unlocked it with a pair of keys and then they went inside.

How would I get to see them in action? I decided to go in. They'll never know I was even here. I listened for them to make sure they weren't right behind the door. Then I went inside. The ceiling was high with iron crossbeams streaking across it. I could smell where they had walked, and I hesitantly followed that scent.

Reina, one of the team members, had said earlier that there may be some men guarding the illegal drugs. So I was on high alert.

I peeked from behind a large crate to see Alex talking to his teammates. Then Alex quickly left and went the opposite direction from the others. Huh? I followed him. All he did was read the labels on the huge crates with a dim flashlight. I stayed back, watching from behind the wooden boxes.

As he continued on, I started smelling a faint scent of fish. He was almost to the end of the row when I saw something between two crates. A dark figure lurked in the shadows. Alex hadn't even seen him yet, only I could. I wanted to yell at him or say something, but my intense fear withheld me.

The figure jumped at Alex and caught him by surprise. They punched and kicked at each other in full force. I'm not sure what all happened. Alex was fast on his feet and dodged two blows, but it was hard for both of the men to see in the dark.

The smell of fish was strong now. It must have been that man who was attacking Alex. They continued to fight, but the other man was much larger than Alex. I knew that any moment this could go wrong.

Then my fear came true. Alex somehow had his legs pulled out from under him and was pinned to the ground by his enemy. The man pulled out a long knife, and I knew Alex could easily see it.

I didn't hesitate as I launched myself from my hiding place. I ran up to the man and threw him, sending him into the boxes. He hit the back of his head and went unconscious. I looked toward Alex still lying on the floor near me. I've never been this close to him or his team so far.

Then he says, "Who's there? I can't see. What happened?" He fumbles around for his flashlight.

I turned and ran. My feet padded on the cold concrete as I retreated. He could hear it too.

He stood up and yelled, "It's ok! Come back!"

My heart felt like it would burst. I could hear the others calling for Alex now. It was good they were coming from the other direction. The run to the door was faster than I thought, thanks again super human strength.

I'm such a coward, but it's the safest thing to do! I ran to my refuge, the ocean. It's a good thing that I was at the harbor.

My feet stopped at the edge of the dock, and I looked back at the dark warehouse for a moment. I could never return to the human life I once lived. My online profile probably says I'm dead due to drowning. I'm not even supposed to be alive. I'm dead according to those who once knew me. If not for that, would it be possible to live in both worlds? I'm a dragon though. The land, sea, and sky are apart of me now. I look down at the dark water as it called to me. I've never felt safe in the human world. I had to overcome my fear... but not right now.

I dove into the harbor then shifted back to a dragon. My neck, arms, legs, and back lengthened. Next scales came through as my cloths disappeared and wings started growing. This process is very complicated to describe, but it only takes a few seconds. Finally the transformation was complete. I breathed in the salt water then headed out to sea to find a meal.

Something stung on my arm. I looked over to see a shallow cut on my scaly arm below my shoulder. It was already healing and would soon be gone. The man's knife must have grazed my skin when I shoved him.

After eating I went to find a resting place for the night. I chose a thick forest of kelp, it would be a safe refuge until morning.

I needed to think things over. I hated living in a life of fear and solitude, but there was a reason I had become a dragon. Neil's voice seemed to repeat itself, "Sometimes there are things we don't understand."

But I can't live in fear forever. I will not. I'm a dragon for a purpose and I'm going to find out why. When I was making that hole in the ship I was scared, but I knew it was right. I could feel it. Somewhere out there I have a destiny waiting for me. I just had to go find it.

Tomorrow I'm going to kill my fear and search for my future.

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