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When I wake the next morning I plan out my day carefully. I first went hunting for fish, so that I wouldn't have to buy my own breakfast.
Once done fishing, I thought about what to do next, but mind was still filled with the dangerous events from the previous night.
I will not fear for there is nothing to fear. Those people never saw me anyway. Why should I be afraid of something when I no longer am in danger?
I then decided that would head into town next. I don't know what I'll do after that though. Maybe I could get a job. I was in need of a new pair of clothes. I wore the same exact thing all the time.

I went straight to Sarah's Diner, and sat down in the same spot at the counter. Twenty-four hours ago I had sat on the same stool.

Sarah comes from out of the kitchen, "Hey, it's nice to see you again. You are that same girl who ordered the milkshake yesterday, right?"

"Yes, it is." I reply with a smile.

"Well, I'm happy you came back. Are you new around here? I don't seem to know you. I just happen know everyone around these parts, and I always recognize new faces."

"Yes, I just moved here with my family. My name is Anada Harris."

     I actually have no last name. I either was never told about my last name or nobody ever found out what my last name was. That's why I have given myself a fake last name. I have this all specifically planned out.

Sarah extends her right hand, and then we shake hands. She seemed to be a nice lady. The type of person I could be friends with.

"So, Anada, what would you like to order today?" She asked me politely.

"I actually came in to ask a question." I said, she continued to smile and nodded. Then I asked. "Do you know if there are any places where could get a job?"

Sarah thought for a few seconds then answered, "I don't know of any place where you could get one, but I have been needing help around here lately. My children are too old and I have no grandchildren. If you would like to work for me, you can start today if that's fine with your parents."

"Yes, I would love to start today. My parents won't mind at all." ...if I had parents who loved me.

Sarah told me to do various cleaning jobs around her diner. I took out the trash, washed dishes, cleaned both the tables and countertops, and moped the floors. I enjoyed working very much. It kept me occupied. Plus, doing work was better than floating around the ocean all day.

    Sarah bragged on me whenever her friends came in. She loved having me there with her. I guess that working the diner had been lonely for her. Having my presence seemed to bring out a hidden happiness from within her. I never thought that a job would make me happy as well.

During lunchtime, business picked up rapidly. Sarah gave me a lesson on how to take orders and serve customers. I would first introduce myself to the customer then write down their order precisely.

     Doing this job at first was a little stressful, but I quickly got a hang of it. Some of the people seemed really interested to have a new member in their town. They would ask who my parent were and where they worked. My 'fake parents' were Lisa and Carl Harris, they worked in the next town over as business managers. This coverup story was believed by all.

A teen boy came in and quickly sat down at the counter. The lunch rush was just now settling down. People were slowly leaving the diner. It was unusual for someone to come in after lunch. I immediately assumed that he had a late start.

      As I walked toward him, I quickly surveyed his features. Calling him a boy wasn't a precise definition. By the looks of it he was probably a year older than I. Short dark hair, brown eyes, and a unique smile. The teenager didn't let his shoulders slouched or lower. Instead, he had a look of self confidence about him. He seemed excited about something though.

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