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          Elias leaned against his black Mustang. He ran his fingers through his hair. It had been four days since Anada had been shot by Drake. The loss of Anada had been tremendous for him.

     I still can't believe she's dead!

     Her death hadn't felt real to him. It felt more like a nightmare or something that someone else would experience. He had lost part of himself when she had died. Everything, including his heart, had shattered when he had heard the gunshot over the phone.

     The past four days had been a blur. The voices and sounds around him were nothing but a distant noise.

     Elias looked out across the terrain. He had drove out to a secluded place. He needed time to think by himself, alone.

      Anada's death had bothered the whole team. They were very quiet after they had received Drake's call. The gunshot had been enough for them to know that Anada was no longer alive.

     Anada can't be dead. I couldn't imagine her dead. It's just not right.

     There was a lot that could disprove her death. Anada never actually spoke on the phone so that means she may not have been killed. Except, Drake wasn't that kind of guy. Drake kills and doesn't waste his time doing it.

      Elias continued to stand there by his car. Ever since Anada's death he had been numb inside. Everything seemed to become dim and lifeless when she had been taken by Drake's men. He didn't know what he should feel. All he could feel was cold and lonely on the inside.

     Anada wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for Drake! He's the heartless murderer!

    Elias narrowed his eyes angrily. Drake had killed Anada in cold blood, and Elias was determined to not let Anada's murderer get away with it.

      Little did Elias know that Anada was still alive...


          Drake glared at his men. They had failed him once again. 

     Drake furiouly roared, "I sent you to kill, Anada! You could have at least slowed her down so that the bomb could have done its work!"

     None of his men said a word. They feared Drake's anger.

     Drake continued, "My plan would be in progress right now if you had succeeded in stopping her. I won't have another opportunity like that ever again!"

     Drake didn't care that his men were hurt or tired after their fight with Anada. He only cared about fulfilling his plan.

     Then Drake said loudly, "Over sixteen years ago Anada's parents stopped my plan, and now she's also doing the same thing!"

     He walked over to his desk, and sat in his leather chair. The men continued to watch him nervously.

     "My main goal isn't to destroy Alex's team anymore. I would still like to do that though, but I have a new goal now." Drake said slowly.

      His men gave him a questioning look.

      Drake turned toward them then said in an evil voice, "Destroy Anada, and finally complete my ultimate plan. And for that I'll need my best agent."

                [End of Book 1]

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