Chapter 3: Trying to be a Father.

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Y/N walked up the steps towards the Lucifer residence. It had been a month since he left the house. He had been looking out for some rogue demons who might be looking for a place of salvation. He had found a few but not many. Akame decided to stay out for another day or two before she would return back to the village to see her family who also lived in the village.

Right now, Y/N had made it to the top of stairs and walked forward to see the door of the minka open and see his Daughter run out to him and wrap her arms around his waist.

Saya: Father! I missed you!

Y/N kneeled down and hugged his daughter.

Y/N: I missed you too Saya.

Erza and Ryuko stepped out to see Y/N who was hugging his daughter. Ryuko smiled as she walked up to her boyfriend as he stood up. She gave him a kiss on the lips with Saya making a 'Yuck' sound.

Ryuko: Your back early.

Y/N: So are you.

Boruta: Welcome back my grandson. How was the journey?

Y/N: It was.....eventful.

Erza: Where's Akame?

Y/N: She'll be coming back in a few days. Right now, I want to spend with my family.

Saya smiled as she grabbed her father's hand and began pulling him into the Minka, while the others smiled. Ever since what had happened, Y/N had been trying his very best to give as much attention he could to Saya. He knew that looking our for other demons was important, but he always put family first.












Right now, it was lunch and Y/N was sitting with Saya outside  under a tree, eating some food with her. Y/N was eating some of Erza's ramen from a recipe she learned from Akame's mother. Saya was eating like a savage, not even taking a second to let her food go down.

Y/N: Be careful Saya. You'll get sick if you eat your food too fast.

Saya blushed before she apologised to her father, before she ate a little slower. Y/N chuckled at his daughter's embarrassment as he continued with eating his food. Saya looked at a butterfly that flew past her, she smiled as she stood up and she began chasing after it. Y/N watched her chase the butterfly around. Memories of him when he was child back in Hell, he really wished he could go back and relive those days.

Then again, he would never met Ryuko and Satsuki. The two people that changed his life, and held him through his struggles, even when he revealed what he was, that didn't stop them from showing their affection for really works in very mysterious ways.

Saya: Father?

Y/N: What is it?

Saya: Are you ok?

No, he wasn't ok. He was feeling down. Why we he? Well....he missed home. His real home. Hell. He missed it, all this peacefulness was nice, but with Aizen defeated, everything just seemed. Too quiet. Something he wasn't accustomed to. It was fair to say that he was homesick.

Y/N: I'm ok Saya. Don't you be worrying about me. 

Saya had a look saying she wasn't convinced, Y/N smiled as he rubbed her hair. She was so young and innocent. Y/N was hoping he would never have to train her how to fight.

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