Chapter 19: Ryketsu Unleashed!

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Wake up Saya...












Saya's eyes opened up, slowly rising up. She looked around where she was, it was a pitch black void. Nothing but darkness all around her. Or so she thought.

???: Saya.

Saya jumped slightly at the sound of the voice. It was the same one she had kept hearing all this time. Saya gripped her head, tears coming out of her eyes.

Saya: Go away....I don't know how to open this door your talking about.

Saya backed up, only for her to trip over something and fell onto her back, she was wondering what she did trip over, thats when she looked at what she did trip over. Her heat stopped beating, her eyes widened as tears began to fall.

Ryuko was lying there, with a huge hold in her chest where her heart was supposed to be, her dead lifeless eyes were looking at Saya.

Saya: A....Aunt...Aunt Ryuko...?

Saya crawled over to her and rubbed her slightly trying to wake her up even though it was uselss.

Saya: A-Aunt Ryuko....please....g..get up...

No moving from Ryuko, she was dead. Saya looked up to see Akame, who also had a hole in her chest, she too wasn't moving at all. 

Saya: A....A....Akame-san....?

Saya looked up at a large pedestal, just on the steps was Erza lying face first into the ground, she had burn marks over her as well as blood wounds open wide.

Saya: E...E...Erza?

Saya looked up to hear blades clashing, she looked up to see her father on his knees crawling up to the steps as he tried to reach for Tensa Zangetsu to his right only for it to be kicked away. The young Lucifer's eyes widened. Her father had been badly wounded. Blood dripping from him. Azrael was hovering over Y/N with his blade above him. Saya watched as Azrael had a wicked smirk on his face, ready to kill her father.

Azrael: Farewell, Lucfier.

Azrael brought his blade down.

Saya: FATHER!!!!









Saya shot upwards, gasping for air. Looking around the area she was in. There was the same rusty metal bars she had seen so many times. She was still in the jail cell, her body had still some scratches on her and her clothes were in tatters. She was still chained to the wall.

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