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I feel so insulted right now! A GENJUTSU? Really? You could have just asked me to leave.

We couldn't…” itachi and kisame muttered in unison. The two followed the dominant woman down the halls of the organization’s base. They were headed to pain’s office as they needed to be briefed on their next mission.

Once the trio arrived (y/n) didn't bother knocking on the door and invited herself in. she swung the door open and her once hardened features softened when she laid eyes on konan who stood next to pain. The hyuga rushed over to her, completely ignoring their leader who scowled.

Koko - chan~” sang (y/n) as her arms wrapped around the latter. Laughter erupted from konan as she returned the hug and patted the younger’s head.

Itachi and kisame exchanged glances confused and slightly frightened by (y/n)’s sudden mood change. Pain cleared his throat as he was slightly growing jealous of the skinship.

(y/n), get away from her and listen as i tell you about the mission.

She groaned and reluctantly let go of konan before heading toward the front of pain’s desk, next to her teammates. “What’s the mission?

Go to the hidden mist and retrieve a scroll which contains their forbidden jutsu. More information is located inside of this scroll.” the ginger explained before handing itachi the scroll wrapped in red and black fabric.

Gotcha, but how many days tops do you think this will take? Konan and i have a date on wednesday.” asked the dark haired female.

A WHAT?” pain blurted, an uncharacteristic look of surprise on his face. Itachi stared blankly, internally cracking up while kisame erupted into a fit of oddly girly giggles.

It's- i- we aren't- well-” konan stammered. Her usually neutral expression was now nervous as she brought her hands up to shield herself from pain’s look of disbelief.

I meant… a friend date. She’s all yours bro. I promise.” (y/n) reassured, an eyebrowed cocked in amusement.

Right. Yes. well since you three are some of our strongest. I say the mission will uh. Take about four days.” said the leader who tried to go back to his usual apathetic demeanor although he seemed to struggle.

I’ll make it two. Ciao ciao!” and with that the hyuga walked out of the door. Itachi and kisame, hot on her trail.

 Itachi and kisame, hot on her trail

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“Konan… do you love me?”

“You’re literally dead.”


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