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"Today (y/n) will be teamed up with hidan and kakuzu," pain spoke as he sliced into his stack of pancakes.

It was a few weeks after said female's arrival and the organization sat in the kitchen eating breakfast together. The aroma of bacon and eggs traveled throughout the hideout along with the sweet scent of pancakes and syrup. (y/n) wasn't able to enjoy the aroma though as she was asleep in bed. She enjoyed her beauty sleep and absolutely despised the morning time.

Kakuzu grunted in response to his leader, he was busy calculating how much money (y/n)'s bounty would be. Not that he planned on killing her... he just needed to know for future reference. Hidan cheered at his leader's announcement, shooting up from his chair, "thank you, lord jashin for such an opportunity! Time spent with the sexy beast that is (y/n) hyuga!"

Deidara rolled his eyes as his face contorted into one of disgust, "leader why can't she come with sasori and I to capture a jinchuriki or something?"

"Because their mission in particular is best suited for her chaotic nature," pain spoke once again. This time he grimaced as he remembered just how riotous the girl could be.

"Who's chaotic nature?" boomed a groggy voice from the doorway of the kitchen.

"(y/n)-chan!! Good morning, (y/n)-chan!!" screeched a rather energetic tobi as he stood up and rushed towards her dramatically.

"Goodmorning, tobi!!" she screeched back as she copied the masked boy's actions. They both met each other in a bear hug almost losing balance countless times. Once they let go of each other, they were faced with the annoyed stares of the other akatsuki members.

"Well good morning to you guys too," (y/n) whispered to herself taking a seat next to tobi and sneaking a piece of his bacon. She laid her head on his shoulder. She had gotten fairly close with all of the members of the organization during her short time there. Especially deidara, konan, and tobi. One member she just couldn't stand to be around was zetsu, he gave her the heebie jeebies.

"Tobi, you're such a good boy~" she sang as she cuddled closer to him. Said male looked down at her, his one visible eye locking with her one visible lavender one.

"I'm gonna be sick," sasori blurted, a look of annoyance plastered on his face. (y/n) broke eye contact with tobi to look over at sasori. Bringing up to two hands as if she were about to weave hands signs for a jutsu, she quickly shouted, "(y/n) style: fuck you no jutsu!" and surprisingly enough she brought up her... middle finger.

 middle finger

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"If being sexy was a sin, i'd be roasting in hell right now," (y/n) voiced, looking down at her outfit. She wore a short black dress with a v-neck, her akatsuki cloak was on, but she didn't bother to zip it up. Her leaf headband was wrapped around her waist to both accentuate her hourglass figure and hold the cloak open and in place. She also wore her usual black sandals with a high heel.

"Did you already forget that you killed thousands of people? You'll be roasting in hell regardless."

"Hidan, i dont give a flying fuck if you're immortal. I will actually kill you."

"Ugh! I love it when you're rough with me... it gets me all warm and tingly inside--"

"Can both of you brats shut up. We're here."

The pair who were once bickering looked up to see their destination. "The fire temple? Kakuzu why are we here?" the dark haired girl, questioned.

"To collect a bounty. Why else, kid?" he spat, ignoring the girl's look of confusion. "Were you not listening when I explained the mission or is there not a brain in that big head of yours."

"Kami... there's no need to be so harsh, kaku." she whined, latching onto his arm. He growled in frustation, but didn't bother to shake her off. As much as she hated to say it, he enjoyed the warmth... to an extent.

"You already have a nickname for him?!?" hidan shouted, jealousy lacing his voice.

"Well... yeah. I have nicknames for everyone." The kunoichi stated matter-of-factly. Hidan's scowl immediately turned into that of a smirk as he inched close to the girl who was still latched onto kakuzu (who was growing more and more irritated by the second). "Really now? What's mine, babe?"


"(y/n), knock this wall down or the akatsuki will have 2 less members and i'll have two new bounties collected." he seethed.

"Aye aye, captain!" she shouted, scurrying towards the wall that towered the trio.


And then... chaos ensued.

small update because i noticed that ppl actually read this <3

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small update because i noticed that ppl actually read this <3

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