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Deidara, that’s so disrespectful!” seethed a furious (y/n). She brought a fist up to hit said male on his head.

Whatev- (y/n)!” he whined as he clutched his head and scrambled away. The hyuga smiled in triumph before looking down at what the blonde was sitting on moments ago or rather… WHO the blonde was sitting on. There at her feet lay a deceased gaara. Not too long ago, the organization had extracted the one tailed beast, shukaku, from the red head which ultimately led to his demise.

"(y/n), what's going on out there?" sasori asked, causing the girl to flinch. she had completely forgotten the puppet master's presence. not to mention he was dressed in that horrid disguise. "puppet with a dump truck" she had called it because well… it looked like he had a dump truck of an ass; if you know what she means. 

"uhh let me see," she responded, activating her byakugan. immediately the veins near her right eye bulged as her surroundings became dull and greyscale. she turned her head toward the entrance and her vision penetrated the cave's walls. there in front of the boulder which secured the entrance stood four beings. one of them she immediately recognized as the nine tails jinchuriki, naruto. she knew this because she could spot the fiery, hate filled chakra that lurked deep within him.

"it seems they're just standing the-" she stopped mid sentence as she noticed one of the figures raise a fist and the others move to the side.

"why did you stop talking? What's going o-'' sasori began before being interrupted. a huge crash was heard followed by the cracking and shattering of the boulder that once prohibited intruders from entering the cave. the trio stood awkwardly as a petite pinkette stood before them adjusting her brown gloves. her emerald colored eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she smirked. 

"kami! (y/n) you said they were just standing there!" shouted deidara as he took a seat on gaara. the action irked the dark haired girl, but she was too stunned to make a fuss. "well i didn't know they had a monster on their team, dei!" she retorted. the pair bickered, ignoring Sakura's growing anger. her smirk was now replaced with a scowl. the vein in her forehead grew larger and larger by the second; she was surprised it hadn't burst. she wasn't a monster! just as she was about to yell at the two to shut up, an angry naruto walked past her inching closer to the rogue ninja. His aura was much darker than usual, so sakura decided against stopping the blonde.

"what are you doing to gaara?" naruto growled, his anger obviously directed toward deidara.

"what does it matter? he's dead. I'm sure those people in his village dont care, so why should you?" naruto scoffed in response before turning his attention to the hyuga. "you- you're Hinata's sister. why would you do this?" (y/n) took a moment and analyzed the boy, his eyes were those of the nine tails so she knew she shouldn't fuel his anger. nonetheless she shrugged before saying, "it was a mission and i don't see what my sister has to do with this. we're two different people." she turned to deidara and muttered, "take care of him. Leader would definitely be happy if we captured another jinchuriki in such a short period of time."

Deidara departed with Naruto and Kakashi hot on his trail. this left sakura, some hag, sasori, and (y/n).

"Sasori, my man, I'll take granny and you take the cutie in the red, hm?

"no, I'll take a hag. you take the little girl." Sasori's voice demanded. (y/n) gave him a quizzical look before silently agreeing. She tied her dark hair up into a ponytail before flashing a few feet in front of sakura. "this'll be fun, huh?"

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