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Not only was i blessed with immortality, but i was blessed with a pretty big di-

For fucks sake, hidan. I don't care!” (y/n) shouted before speeding up to walk alongside kakuzu. Currently the zombie duo + the sexy mortal were on their way to cash in a bounty on some top notch shinobi. Although (y/n) didn't think he was very top notch since he lost to Hidan of all people. Speaking of hidan, the silver haired male had recently taken a liking to the hyuga, but she wasn’t sure… why. What she was sure of though was that she wasn’t a fan of his sexual remarks he threw at her and she was very close to ending his very life. Immortal or not.

kaku~  after this can we stop to get a snack?” she asked the tanned man. His green irises glanced over at her to see the stupid little puppy dog eyes she attempted to give him. Nonetheless he continued walking. “Do you have ‘snack’ money?

(y/n)’s face dropped. “N-no, but-

Then no. not after what you and konan did with my stash.

Kaku~ I said I'd pay you back. Remember?

And you have yet to do so.” he replied, his tone getting more and more frustrated.

Hidan watched as the two bickered, a rather sour look plastered on his face. ‘How come kakuzu gets her attention… what does he have that i don't?' he thought to himself, looking down at his bare chest. “Im literally so fucking hot!” he exclaimed.

You are, but that mouth of yours sure isn't.” (y/n) said, looking back at him. A playful look taking over her features.

 A playful look taking over her features

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Who does he think he is? Leaving us out here like we’re dogs or something!” (y/n) fumed, stomping around to keep from punching one of the columns that stood in front of the building. Kakuzu hadn’t allowed the pair to follow him into the well air conditioned building which pissed (y/n) off to the max. Not to add that he was taking his sweet time whilst she sweat her tits off!

Hidan on the other hand watched the hyuga intently. He practically drooled as his eyes focused on the angry girl. For some reason her angry aura was intoxicating to the male. And the way her breasts jiggled as she stomped around-


What?” he shouted, giving her a look of annoyance.

Cmere,” she smirked subtly, motioning him over. His annoyed expression turned into a smug one as he ‘cooly’ walked to stand in front of the girl. “Good.. good…” she said, her voice sweet and sultry as she brought a hand up to caress his cheek. She leaned in and kissed the other.

I'm sorry,” she whispered and with that she ducked as multiple kunai and shuriken whizzed in their direction. The weapons lodged themselves in hidan’s back. 

You fucking- (y/n)!” he yelled in agony, reaching for his scythe.

Sorry. I really am, but you’re immortal and I'm not.” she spoke apologetically as she began weaving hand signs at the speed of light. “Earth style: stone shell.” she yelled, placing two hands onto the ground. A shell made completely out of stone appeared and separated the two from their attackers.

Hidan had pulled the last of the metal weapons from his back and the previously pained expression he once wore was replaced with a crazed, bloodthirsty one.

Let’s make a deal,” (y/n) began, planning to take advantage of his mood. Hidan immediately interrupted her though.

No, you used me as a human shield.

I’ll give you a kiss if you go out there and defeat those leaf ninja.

You got yourself a deal, hottie.

:) unedited 💔💔

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:) unedited 💔💔

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