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I need a nice, hot shower.” (y/n) said to herself, pulling on her clothing with a frown. It had been a few days since the leaf ninja attempted to ambush them and as expected hidan (with very little help from the hyuga and kakuzu) had taken care of the situation for the most part. He had managed to get rid of the strongest member of the unit, asuma, and before he could do anymore damage the trio were called to extract jinchuriki number (y/n)hadlostcount. As per usual, the ritual took a long time; not to add that the three couldn’t head back to the hideout to do it. They had to stay on some boulder kakuzu had found for THREE DAYS (and let's not mention how HOT it was).

Head back to the hideout and shower then.” kakuzu snapped. He had found that he couldn’t be in the ebony haired female AND hidan’s presence for too long or he’d lose his mind. Kakuzu knew he couldn’t kill hidan, but he COULD kill (y/n). He had contemplated it just for a bit of peace and quiet, but realized she was at pain’s level. He grimaced as flashbacks of the ginger kicking his ass flooded his mind. Not his best moment. Not his best moment at all.

(y/n) didn’t think twice about kakuzu’s suggestion. Before Hidan could complain or make a snarky remark, the girl had bit her thumb, placed it onto the ground and shouted “summoning jutsu”. The silver haired male watched in awe as a large, white snow owl with icy blue eyes appeared before the trio.

Yukio!” (y/n) shouted, running to hug the already annoyed bird. 

Don’t yukio me. Why would you summon me to such a hot area, lady (y/n).” 

(y/n) looked at him apologetically. she had taken him from his beautiful, snowy home and brought him to this hellhole in the middle of nowhere. “Can you take me home? I'm tired.” she pleaded, pressing her hands together. Wordlessly, yukio extended a wing, inviting the hyuga to climb onto him. “Thank you, yukio.” she said sweetly, caressing his head.

(y/n) waved goodbye to the zombie duo and with that she flew off in the direction of the akatsuki base. Kakuzu rolled his eyes. “That brat is such a show off.

If she had that up her sleeve why have we been walking everywhere!” hidan shouted, flailing his arms around.

“If she had that up her sleeve why have we been walking everywhere!” hidan shouted, flailing his arms around

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That shower truly hit… different.” (y/n) said as she slowly made her way back to the area she had last seen her fellow teammates. Unbeknownst to her, battle had ensued just a few feet from that very spot and her teammates were in a bit of a pickle.

Shit-” (y/n) came to a halt and hid behind a tree before she could be spotted. With her byakugan activated she could see that hidan and kakuzu weren’t alone anymore. Hastily she made her way to them hoping they were not in too much trouble. As she came closer, she was surprised to see kakashi with his arm through kakuzu’s chest. She grimaced, but continued surveying the surroundings. Hidan was nowhere to be found and  two out of three of team 10 were there excluding shikamaru who she figured had decided to fight hidan one on one. He had shown no mercy to the Nara’s late sensei after all. Taking a deep breath, (y/n) ran as quickly as possible toward an unsuspecting kakashi. Her fist collided with his side and he was sent flying into a nearby tree trunk. Ino and choji watched in horror, not really knowing how to deal with the hyuga. They were painfully aware that they stood no chance against her. It was the truth.

The hyuga paid them no mind though and turned to face Kakuzu who was now on his feet. “Welcome back to the world of the living, kaku.” the dark haired girl said with a sheepish smile. 

Shut up,” he growled as he ripped off his cloak and hunched over. The skin on his torso, held together by countless stitches began to shift and separate as he let out a few groans. 

Yuck.” (y/n) said. Her face was scrunched in disgust. She had seen kakuzu use his additional hearts before, but the process leading up to it made the hyuga a bit squeamish. The four masks on his back emerged from his back, revealing four beings who were made up of the thread within kakuzu.

Well… this’ll be fun? … right? Right?” (y/n) questioned, playfully nudging the being with the water mask. Her jaw dropped when it let out a cry and dissolved onto the ground. “Did it just-

Just stay back, brat.” was all kakuzu said as he stepped closer to choji and ino who has worked up enough courage to get into a fighting stance. 

(y/n) shrugged. “Fine. i’ll take care of kakashi.


Kakashi… my buddy. my bro. my pal. get up!” (y/n) shouted cheerfully, nudging his body with her foot. To her surprise, the jonin hadn’t recovered from her punch. All of a sudden kakashi’s eyes shot open as he quickly jumped up and got into a fighting stance. His body ached, but he needed to push himself especially since his opponent was kage level perhaps even higher if that was even possible.

We meet again, (y/n) hyuga.

Indeed, kakashi hatake.” she replied matching his serious tone. She removed her cloak and threw it to the ground along with her hidden leaf forehead protector. Her black hair swayed in the wind as the two had a staredown. (y/n) knew she had this fight in the bag while kakashi was weary knowing he would lose unless someone magically appeared to save him.

Let’s make this quick, huh?


I hate you. I hate you both. The both of you can go to hell.” hidan spat. For once he wasn’t yelling, but still his voice was as annoying as ever.

For you to be in literal pieces right now, you talk a lot of shit.” (y/n) seethed, bringing up the man’s head to look her in the eyes. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. We could have left you in that hole in that creepy forest with those creepy ass deer.

Kakuzu nodded in agreement, the bag which held Hidan's separated limbs on his back. The trio were pretty beat up, even (y/n). During her fight with kakashi, naruto appeared and did some combo jutsu with yamato that caught her off guard. Kakuzu and (y/n) managed to immobilize a few of their opponents before running off to find hidan who had been buried alive.

(y/n), can you lower my head a bit. I’d like to get a nice view of those beautiful ti-

And with that she placed hidan onto the ground, pulled her leg back, and kicked as if her life depended on it.

And with that she placed hidan onto the ground, pulled her leg back, and kicked as if her life depended on it

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the laziness in my writing is becoming more and more apparent 🤔. anyways uhhh bark bark

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