Jennie, wink if JENLISA is real.

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"Lisa, Jennie; what the hell are you doing?"

The silence; the cold air.
Jennie moves quickly towards the entrance; goes through the door, and disappears into the corridor.
Rosè is the first to follow the girl; her blonde hair waving over her shoulder with each step.

I always saved us; every time. Sometimes I wasn't so good, but I always did my best.
Is it too late now? What can I do? What can I say?
The Fan remains silent, watching us; one foot stops the elevator doors.

I wish I hadn't seen it, but it happened, I saw it with my own eyes. I saw Chaeyoung kissing Lisa. It wasn't an innocent kiss. Why? Why Lisa?
I take it out on you, because I know what Rosé feels for you, and she may have a weakness.


Lisa, why? What did you do?

"Hey, can you pretend you didn't see that?"

She's staring at the floor, arms down at her sides, head bowed. Like a repentant.
Like a prisoner at the gallows.

She's just standing there, and I don't know who she spoke to, did she talk to me? Or the Fan?
Then I realize, she spoke in English, didn't she? And so Lisa, it wasn't for me. You're not asking me to pretend because I can't do that.
Her body turns around, but I can't see her face because her dark hair covers her gaze, I'm sure some tears are coming forward, they will slowly roll down her cheeks. But no. Not now, in front of the Fan. In front of a stranger who now knows too much.

"Jisoo. Please, I swear, it was not what it seems."

I have always protected you. I always believe in my little Maknae, even when you lied like a child. But this time I can't hold back Lisa. With your action you have created a storm; it's not easy to stop it now. This wasn't a game. It's not like fighting over some fried chicken, or yelling at you for being stupid.
I saw your hands clasped in Chaeyoung's, your eyes closed, your lips on hers.

Why again? Why here?
Why Jennie?

"Come in. You.... come in.. too."

With a nod, I invite both of them in.

"Let's talk inside."

I close the line and walk behind them. I feel sick and upset, my brain is boiling over. I got a small distraction when I saw the dropping of a small piece of paper, which slips on the floor in front of me. It probably came out of the pocket while the fan was taking the iPhone; its swaying seems to take forever. But no one notices. I pick it up. Putting it safely in the pocket of my sweatpants. Later, I will throw it away as I threw away my trust in you, Lisa.
"Let's talk in my room."
We leave the Fan in the living room, without any words. As soon as we lock-in, she starts talking.
"Unnie, it's not what you think. I swear, we were talking and I asked Rosé to..."
"Are you a fucking cheater? Who the fuck are you? I don't know you anymore."
We were here for some privacy, but by now, my voice must have been heard in the living room.

"It's not what you think!"

"I wish it wasn't! But I saw you with my own eyes, Lisa!"

"Why don't you believe me? Jisoo, you know who I am!"

"How can I pretend that nothing happened! It's not the first time!"

I didn't think I would scratch my emotional shell with my own words. The last ones in particular.

"Please, don't say that."

I hold back the tears. I can't cry now. When the tears come, I need to have a good friend to hold on to, someone who loves me and will take the time to ease my pain, otherwise, I prefer to hold back the sadness or cry alone. But a good friend is not in front of me, I only see a broken person, who lost the way.
"Damn Jisoo, I can't believe it."
She looks at me, with such dark eyes I had never seen on her face, like an endless pit of darkness.
"Really, I can't believe it."

HAUNT YOU [JENLISA - CHAELISA - BLACKPINK] Truth Revealed - Yari ParkWhere stories live. Discover now