STAY [Part 2]

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"Lisa... Lisa what are you doing out here! Oh...oh my god, we're going to fall down! Oh my god, I can't look."

"Niniii, what are you afraid of? I'm here! Come on, wasn't Jisoo the one who was afraid of heights?"

With Lisa's help, I step through the window and place my feet on the concrete.

"In short, Li-...." I grab her hand as a gust of breeze lifts my pink robe.

"...Lisa what are you doing here?

"But, Jennie, this is my scene, I'm ...I'm on the edge. Hovering between the past and the future. Between the old Lisa and the new Lisa. You see...I've gotten so high. Now I need to know where to go. Where to stay. I could lean against that wall and watch everything from above, or go in through that window, or stand here, look like this..."

Lisa drags me down and lies on her back.

"Oh, Lili!" I suddenly find myself on the concrete, leaning against her, with my head pressed to her chest.

"What are you doing Lisa? Oh, come on...what..."

"Shhh Jen, it's the only place I can be like this now. You know they will ruin everything. But there's no one here, it's just us."

" never know, just..."

"Look at the's so pale and sad. And yet we're like bright colors, like the smoke bombs we've thrown every day since we've been here, hoping someone would see us, notice our true selves, abandoned in here."

"You mean that... here, you... that is we... we are..."

"Yes we're the real Jennie, Lalisa, Roseanne, and Jisoo... we're standing here, waiting for what? The future maybe?"

"Oh, that's why Yari... "

"Huh? Yari, what?" Lisa is getting dangerously close to my face.

"No..nothing... nothing..."

"You know maybe it's not so bad to be here, after all. We're together, and we're safe in a way. This is "the safe place for Blackpink". Yes, there are no sparkling Bvlgari jewels, the fine clothes of Chanel, I mean look at you, you're in a robe, Nini"

"Well, it's not my fault I'm in a dream......"

"There are no Hermès pillows, just trash, and broken and abandoned things. No Dior bags, no YSL accessories; but you see, maybe that's why we are us. We are us, me with my cool style, Jisoo with her free spirit, Roseanne with her guitar, and you, you have us. In short, we don't need anything else to be us."

"Lisa, do you really know the future here?"

"Mmh? The future? In the future, I'm about to make my debut. It's been talked about so much, but you know what? It's gonna be like everything else. An amazing, huge, marvelous firework that will light up everything, and then it will go out, slowly. It will burn out, as it did with you and your "Solo", as it did with Roseanne."

"What's wrong with my "Solo", now? Your fans are taking up money and talking about your solo project even before our agency talks about it."

"There's nothing wrong with your "Solo", Jennie. Remember the excitement? The first one of us to debut as a solo artist. What a satisfying Jen. You had prepared perfectly; even though it was a difficult time. We didn't have that kind of success that year, now if you want to make it overseas you have to respect certain standards.. you know, things like... like do it all in English. What I mean is that sooner or later, people get tired of what you do, even if it's awesome; and want new things. Don't you know our fans complain and want new things?"

HAUNT YOU [JENLISA - CHAELISA - BLACKPINK] Truth Revealed - Yari ParkWhere stories live. Discover now