BE THE ECLIPSE - (Jennie & Lisa)

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Can you take Haunt You like something to think about, to be around the girls, to calm your spirits, and leave them alone for a while? Something about them in a healthy way, and not mysterious or sick? Not something to hate me for. If you don't like it or don't believe in it, walk away, leave. You are all free and everyone has their own brain to think with.


"Jennie we can't fit here!"

I'm still fuck up from the nightmare.

"Yes, L, if you go a little further! Come on!"

While Jennie, L, and Rosé bicker and push each other like silly children, I lean against the bed.

"Hey you two, stop yelling, you'll wake up Jisoo on the other side of the dorm!" Hisses Rosé,

I sit down next to Jennie, cracking my neck and rubbing my now awake eyes. My brain is full of random images that come back to me. Some sensory memories fluttering in my head, I remember discomfort, fear. I try to push it all back, I don't want to be noticed, I don't know how I'll be able to sleep again tonight, the fear of going back to those pain-filled places, with my girls, with Jennie, Jennie who...

"Lisa, is everything okay?"

Her comforting voice brings me back to reality, I can't expect to fool the girl who likes me.

"I just...I just had a bad dream."

Even in the most intricate time of our relationship, Jennie had a calm power tone on me. But this time the restlessness remains on my face, just a quick glance in the mirror hanging on the wall in front of us, to realize for myself. My face is blank, white, I have completely lost control of my bangs which are now split into two sides.

In the reflection, our eyes meet.

Suddenly I feel a strange melancholy for those beautiful, dark eyes. Confident eyes, how did we end up afraid to look at each other?

She keeps staring at me, insistently, deeply; while at her side Rosè and L are pulling and arranging the blankets from under their legs. Her deep brown eyes seem to be trying to break into my brain through the glass; and after a while, her soft lips mimed a clear, insistent "ARE YOU OKAY?"

She shocks me, every time.

Jennie, the way she cares about my feelings, even though I know something is wrong; Jennie has never ignored my moods.

Are you ok Lisa?

Yes. Yes, I nod my head like it was on autopilot.

"What do we need to talk about?"

The tense, silent moment that follows my innocent question gives me a preview of what I was to face. After a while, the quiet is broken.

"Rosé told me about what happened between you two during the trainee days."

Her words fall like a bolt from the blue. Hits me in the face like the twinge I suddenly feel in my chest. None of us are looking at each other's faces, we're all facing at the wall in front; me, Jennie and Rosé, reflected in the mirror.

Yeah, it wasn't the topic I was expecting; but why I feel this way, why so edgy? Hands begin to sweat slightly, I wipe them over pajama pants.

Then, when I find the courage to look up to my right, all three of them stare at me as if I were the suspect in a court of law.


Jennie's voice cuts into my ears. But why be so afraid to react Lisa? afraid of such an old thing.
I need to say something, the lingering silence is even worse, but I realize I don't know what to say to Jennie. My mind is tired now, unable to hold a talk, especially on this topic, after the flood of terror and sweat I went through a few minutes ago.

HAUNT YOU [JENLISA - CHAELISA - BLACKPINK] Truth Revealed - Yari ParkWhere stories live. Discover now