CHAELISA 1 - Sleepless

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JENNIE SAID THE FAN IS L, so THE FAN IS YOU, but at this moment you will face with "L"


I can't sleep.

I'm sleepless.

I rest my head on the pillow and close my eyes. I roll over and over but can't get comfortable.

After a while, I pull the covers up, right under my nose. Oh's sad. It's so empty right now. I remember having a string of round lights hanging on the wall I am staring at. How many memories I have of this place; they seem galaxies away, yet only a few years have passed.

I don't know what's bothering me tonight, we had a lovely evening. We brought back memories, eating some delicious strawberries; and it was funny to go back to the early days after the debut. When we weren't being observed under a microscope; when our faces didn't yet rule the world of fashion and entertainment. They were less serious; hard, heavy, of course. But less serious times. Cool times. I ate a lot of cheese snacks on this bed.

No music in my ears tonight, or I would end up getting sad. My throat is a bit dry; maybe that's why I can't sleep? That sounds like a fancy excuse, Rosé. I could stay here, and find a thousand more. But I hate to keep tossing and turning in bed; maybe drinking some water will help distract me.

I slip out of the covers; my feet are hit by the cold floor. When I manage to get my slippers on, I head straight for the door. A slight pressure on the handle, not to wake everyone up, and slowly open the door avoiding the annoying creaking.

I quickly take a few steps into the hallway; it's all so static, melancholic.

Jisoo's door is ajar, but I'm sure she's already asleep, it's all dark inside; these days have been intense, strange; it can't have been easy for her. The Rosie from the past would have opened her door, not caring about the light off; and crawled under her covers, squeezing the Dalgomie fur ball in my arms.

Oh, I miss Hank, so much. I'm sure Jisoo would have comforted me, as she has always done. Comfort me?

About Hank?

Now, what exactly do I need to be comforted about?

I walk through the living room in the darkness, with felted steps. There is no noise; the refrigerator doesn't whisper, the faucet doesn't leak, the silence is so thick. I'd gone out to get a glass of water, then why do my feet continue past the kitchen door, into the small hallway between L's room and Lisa's?

"Is L still awake?"

I whispered, so quiet I can't hear my voice. I catch a glimpse of the dim light through the crack of the door.

Then I turn around, Lisa and Jennie's door is closed. I approach slowly, almost holding my breath; my hand moves ahead of my body like I'm floating in darkness.

I hear something beyond this wooden wall between me and her. It's them, it's their faint voices, are they talking? Are they laughing? Are they kissing? Are they making out?

Oh. Oh, my God, Rosie, what are you doing? My fingertips skim the surface, it's so cold. I can't hear very much so I have a great idea to lean my ear. I must be losing my mind.

I hear Jennie's voice.

"I want you to do whatever you need to do tonight and I'll do whatever you need me to do. Just don't cry. Oh well, what.. wait, I'll get the tissues from the kitchen."

HAUNT YOU [JENLISA - CHAELISA - BLACKPINK] Truth Revealed - Yari ParkWhere stories live. Discover now