Chapter 11

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*5 Months Later*
My journey across Europe ended when I got to Oslo, Norway. I had to leave the NCT Europe leg of their world tour if I wanted to finish my travels around Europe. I was able to depart their tour bravely, saying my goodbyes to the members and friends I made along the way. Now, it's my final week in Europe, and I am currently in Norway. At this time in December, Norway is a snowy winter land. I'm glad to have traveled all over Europe, but I'm missing home right about home. It's felt like forever since I was home. I shouldn't have taken a week in each city. I should have cut my trip short, but it's too late now. I'm already here. I just need to finish up this week, then I can be on my way home this Saturday.

As for Jaemin and I, we are able to keep up our relationship for these 5 past months. Their tour ends in 3 months and they will return to South Korea after these 3 months of their world tour finishes up. Jaemin is really happy to be with me. Even if we can't be together physically, my texts are what he makes him smile whenever he's having a bad day. I'm glad that I make Jaemin happy. I have Jaehyun to thank. If I never met him that day in London, I would never be able to date Jaemin in the first place. We even had our second date in Berlin, Germany, which was one of my favorite places we went to.

Since it is my last week in Europe, I really want to make it count. I was glad that I got to meet my Finnish friend while I was back in Helsinki. It was the first time we met in person, and we had a lot of fun hanging out. For Oslo, I really want to go on one of those reindeer tours. I feel like it would be fun to go do that. I also want to go to a spa, which would be nice as well. With a plan in mind, I continued on to my hostel for the week. I arrive at my hostel and meet with my roommates, but in a new country. I meet a German girl named Annalise König. She said I can call her Anna.
"Uh, Anna. Ich kann Deutsch sprechen." I said(I can speak German)
"Really, das ist zur gut." Anna said(That's very good)
"Wo kommst du in Deutschland?" I asked(Where in Germany are you from?)
"Ich komme aus München." Anna said(I'm from Munich)
"Wow, München. Mein Vater kommt aus Frankfurt." I said(Wow, Munich. My dad is from Frankfurt)
"Really?" Anna asked.
"Well, he was born there, he wasn't raised there though." I said.
"Ah, I understand." Anna said.

I chatted with Anna for a long time. Then, I went out for lunch. I got lunch at a lovely little cafe in the center of Oslo. I ordered myself a caramel macchiato and ordered beef Lapskaus. Since I don't eat mutton or pork, I chose the beef variant of the food. The waiter understands that everyone has their personal views and don't eat some foods because of that. I mean, the waiters and waitresses sort of have to be understanding. It would be rude of them to force someone to eat something they really don't feel comfortable with eating. Once I ordered, I just sat at the table, sipping my iced coffee and texting some friends.

My food quickly arrives and I begin eating. I think to myself: oh, this is so good. I take photos of my food and post it later on Instagram. I finished eating then went back to my hostel. I meet with Anna again and we start talking the evening away. We constantly switched between German and English. I feel like being friends with her is going to help me become better at German all over again. We even talked about our favorite K-pop groups. I always seem to find people who love the same type of music as me. I shared my photo card collection with her as well. Anna told me she mostly supports her faves digitally because she doesn't have the money to buy a bunch of albums. She is jealous of my collection.
"I can buy you a set of albums if you want and then send it to you." I said.
"Oh, no, no. You really don't have to." Anna said.
"It's the least I can do. What is your ultimate boy group?" I asked.
"Oh gosh. That's such a hard decision." Anna said.
"Just one." I said.
"I'm thinking, hold on." Anna said.

After a long thought, Anna finally thought of a group. She told me NCT DREAM. This immediately sent off alarm bells in my brain. My boyfriend is in that unit, but nobody knows except me and the members. Personally, my favorite unit is 127, but I can see why Anna likes NCT DREAM.
"Alright, I'll get you their album Reload." I said.
"I mean, you really don't have to." Anna said.
"I want to." I said.
"Alright, I guess there's no changing your mind." Anna said, giving up.
"Nope." I said.
"My bias is Jisung by the way." Anna said.
"I can't make promises about whether you will pull him or not. I'll be sending it to you unsealed after all." I said.
"What do I send you in return?" Anna asked.
"Um, my favorite unit is NCT 127 and my bias is Mark. Do what you will with that information." I said.
"Okay, noted." Anna said.
"I liked getting to know you today, by the way." I said.
"Oh, of course. You're my first friend from America." Anna said.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah, I have friends from other parts of Europe, but no American friends." Anna said.
"Consider yourself lucky." I said, winking and laughing.
"Yes, I'm honestly so lucky. You're a great friend." Anna said.
"Aww, thank you." I said.

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