Chapter 12

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*One Week Later*
I get on the plane from Oslo, Norway, flying from Norway to Iceland. Then, from Iceland, I'll land in JFK Airport in New York City, New York. From there, I'll take another plane from NYC to Salt Lake City, Utah. Finally, I'll drive the rest of the three hours back home. I have been away from home, gallavanting around Europe for the past 5 or so months. I'm about ready to go home now. When I finally land in Salt Lake City, I am exhausted. I just want to be home right now.

I make the wintery drive from Salt Lake City very carefully, driving back to my hometown. Once I finally arrived back home, I dragged my suitcases filled with all sorts of souvenirs from various European countries, into my house. I carry them down into my room, then collapse onto my bed. Ah, I'm finally home. I wasn't expecting my trip to last 5+ months, but now I'm finally home. I immediately pass out on my bed, that's how tired I am.

After taking a quick power nap, I looked at my phone and saw multiple missed calls from Jaemin. Oh, no. Something must be wrong. . . Or maybe I'm just thinking of the absolute worst situation in my head. I called Jaemin right back while I was still laying in bed.
"What the heck's wrong? You called me like ten times." I said.
"I just miss you. . ." Jaemin said.
"Aww, okay. When are you going to come see me? I literally just arrived back home not too long ago." I said.
"Oh umm. . . I'm not sure." Jaemin said.
"I don't know when I can go to Korea. My Europe trip drained me of all my funds." I said.
"I can fly you here if you really want." Jaemin said.
"That would be awesome, but I have to prepare for college now. I took a gap year right after graduating high school so I would have time to go on that long Europe trip." I explained.
"Oh. . ." Jaemin said.
"I miss you all too, but I just don't know when I can take my next trip." I said, looking sad.
"Please don't be sad. I can come see you too with permission from my 매니저입니다." Jaemin said(매니저입니다 = manager)
"You can try." I said.
"Trust me. I want to see you bad." Jaemin said.
"I want to see you too. It's just hard with your schedule and I'll have to start college soon." I said.
"When does the next semester start?" Jaemin asked.
"In the summer. I'm doing a summer semester and a spring semester. I'm hoping to finish my whole academic year and work towards an associate degree in Liberal Arts." I said.
These are all words that make zero sense to Jaemin, so he's just listening with blinking eyes, "I don't understand, but fighting!"
"Thanks. It's gonna be a stressful first year of college." I said.
"You can do it." Jaemin said.

I finished chatting with Jaemin. There's something about our video calls that make it feel like he doesn't live halfway across the world. Like these calls make it seem he lives right across the street. Jaemin looks so good with his messy morning hair, and his morning voice is one of the most attractive things I've ever heard. I just. All I wanna do is go see him. This long distance thing is really tearing me apart. I know Jaemin always fulfills his promises, so if he just surprises me some day while I'm in my college class, then so be it. I won't be prepared either way. . .

*April - May | The Spring Semester*
It is my first day in college. I'll be majoring in Liberal Arts/General Studies, just to start with and I'm minoring in Korean language just because I want to learn the language more in depth than just studying it on my own. I had to do the associate's in General Studies because my local community college did not offer an associate's in Liberal Arts like I wanted. I had to ask around to see if I could start working on a degree in Liberal Arts, if doing General Studies, it also means I can do Liberal Arts.

It's only my first day and this is already stressful. Once I spoke with my counselor at the college, we were able to get me into a Liberal Arts program to get my associate's degree like I originally wanted. I will also be taking my minor in Korean language online because they don't offer that at my college either. My community college is really limited in the different classes I can take, so I'll just take what I can take, and just be content with it. The next big step is to get my Bachelor's Degree in English and Literature. That is my overall goal for my college career.

As I was in my first lecture of the day, somebody knocks on the door. One of the students closest to the door opens it for whoever may be running a little late. Walking through the door with a bouquet of flowers, a heart shaped box of chocolates, and a stuffed bear, is Jaemin. Na Jaemin just crashed my college class. He is walking through each row, trying to find me.
"야! Jaemin!" I exclaimed.
"Huh, oh! There you are." Jaemin said.
"I'm so sorry, professor." I said.
"It's okay. Is this your boyfriend?" My professor asked.
"Yes, sir." I said.
"Please have your conversation in the hallway so I can continue my lecture, Miss Miller." My professor said.
"Okay. C'mon, Jaemin." I said, dragging Jaemin out by his wrist.

Once we're in the hallway, Jaemin and I start talking.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I wanted to see you. 여기." Jaemin said(여기 = here you go)
"This is all too cute, oh my gosh." I said, taking all the gifts from Jaemin.
"My members wanted to give you this. We worked together to make it." Jaemin said, handing me a bracelet with all 23 members' initials on it as bracelet charms.
"Wow, this is so pretty." I said.
Jaemin clips the bracelet onto my left wrist, "You're the love of my life. I have something else for you."
"What else could there be?" I asked.
Jaemin reaches into his pocket and pulls out a velvety box. He pops it open to reveal a beautiful, blue topaz and diamond ring,
"With this promise ring, you promise me your love forever until we marry."
"Yes." I said, nodding my head happily.
"I love you." Jaemin said, sliding the ring on and kissing me for the first time in months.

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