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We all hate this part, I know, I know. So feel free to skip right over it. 

I do not own Teen Wolf or any characters associated with the show. All rights belong to Jeff Davis and whoever else made this amazing show.

I DO, however, own Six Stilinski and some of his dialogue.

Don't be stupid and pathetic and steal work. Writers work very hard on their stories and it's fucked up to try to steal it. That being said, I do NOT authorize for this fanfiction to be published or translated anywhere else. If you find it anywhere, please report it to me IMMEDIATELY.

This story is a bxb love story. For those of you who don't know, that means Boy x Boy. Which means that 2 boys fall in love. Which means it is gay love. 

If you have any sorts of problems with that, you can fuck right off and stay the fuck away from my account and stories. I do not accept nor do I tolerate any kind of bullying. Cuss all you want, call out characters for making dumb mistakes, anything like that is fine. Encouraged, even. I love seeing those comments. HOWEVER, don't go hating on characters for sexualities and ESPECIALLY don't go hating on me or other readers/commenters.

I monitor my stories and the comments on them VERY CLOSELY. I read every single comment and I read every username of every person who votes. If I see anything rude or offensive, you will be blocked and reported, and your comments will be deleted if you even say 1 rude or disrespectful thing. There will be NO second chances. Just don't be an idiot, m'kay?

There will be cussing in this story. Probably a lot. Just a warning.

This story WILL follow the t.v. show, starting at Season 1. Don't ask me where it will end, because I have no clue right now. If you have read this far, thank you. Enjoy the story!

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