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Ayyyyy, what's this? An update? Crazy! Sorry I've been kinda dead lately lol. Work has been kicking my ass lately. (To anyone confused, there's a message on my account explaining.) But I managed to slam this out in like an hour for you guys because I really hate making you all wait.

Also, I am trying to think of an update schedule that works for me and you all, for this story plus the few others I'm behind on. My thoughts are to update this story weekly with Girl Almighty and the Mama Hale Rewrite bi-weekly, and Mikrokosmos and Far And Wild depending on how people react when they get published. Teasers for both coming soon btw.

Enjoy this chapter! It's got lots of different feels.

Episode- Wolf's Bane

(3rd P.O.V.)

Stiles rushes through the lunch line before going to his usual place in the lunchroom where his twin and best friend are already waiting on him, one reading a book while the other picks at his food.

"Did you get her to give you the necklace?" Stiles asks, dropping his tray down beside Scott. Six glances up from his book, also wanting to know the answer.

"Not exactly." Scott sighs and Six rolls his eyes.

"What happened?" He asks while closing his book.

"She told me not to talk to her. At all."

"Of course."

"So she's not giving you-"

"She's not giving me the necklace!" Scott cuts Stiles off as the latter bites into a chicken tender.

"Well, did you find anything else out?"

"Just that I know nothing about girls and that they're totally psychotic."

"I coulda told you that." Six crosses his arms, taking Stiles' water and drinking from the tiny bottle.

"Okay, I came up with a plan B just in case anything like this happened." Stiles drops his chicken.

"What's plan B?" Scott mutters.

"Just steal the damn thing." Six crushes the now empty water bottle and tosses it back onto his brother's tray.

"Couldn't we try at least getting to Harris?" Scott tries as Stiles picks up a second water bottle from his tray.

"Our dad put him on a 24-hour protective detail, okay? The necklace is all we got." Stiles explains, briefly dropping the bottle.

"Ergo, steal the thing." Six deadpans before opening his book once more.

Scott looks across the lunch room, only to see Jackson staring at him with a smug grin. Scott quickly sits up straighter, unnerved by the look.

"Guys, he's watching us." Scott whispers.

"A lot of people watch us. We're weird." Six deadpans.

"No, Six. Jackson."

"Act normal." Stiles mutters through his mouthful of food and the two nervously lounge back in their seats.

"You're both idiots." Six shakes his head, briefly glancing up from his book.

Across the room, Jackson bites into his apple and Scott winces at the sound, intriguing the jock.

"What's wrong?" Stiles suddenly asks when Scott makes a horrified face at the table. Six looks up upon hearing his twin's words.

"He's talking to me." Scott whispers. "He knows I can hear him."

Stiles starts to look at Jackson, but his twin quickly stops him.

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