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Chapter 1 Baybeeee! I honestly love how this has come out. Right off the bat, you get to see into Six's personality. Enjoy!

Episode- Wolf Moon

(Six's P.O.V.)

"Six!" My identical twin brother, Stiles, shouts, throwing my bedroom door open.

"Jesus Christ Stiles, what do you want?" I jump, dropping my book.

"Dude, you'll never guess what I just heard on the police scanner." He grins, and I find myself intrigued.

"BOYS!" I hear our dad call from downstairs and Stiles and I quickly race down the stairs.

"Yeah, Pops?" I ask.

"I'm heading into work. Behave. Stay inside, and get some sleep. You've got school tomorrow." He says, pulling his jacket on.

"Yes Sir." Stiles and I say in sync, saluting.

"I love you two." He grins before leaving.

"What did you hear?" I ask my brother as soon as the front door closes.

"They found a body in the preserve. Well, half of a body." Stiles excitedly explains.

"I'll get the keys." I say, rushing up to my room to get the keys to our jeep. I grab my shoes and jacket while I'm up there, and rush down to find Stiles tying his shoelaces by the front door. "Got 'em. I'm driving."

"Fine. Let's go." Stiles rolls his eyes, and we quickly exit the house, driving to our best friend's home. When we arrive, I kill the engine and turn to my brother.

"We're not just walking up to the door, are we?" I ask and he smirks.

"Of course not. Now come on." He laughs and we exit the car.

I follow Stiles as we climb onto the roof. Stiles trips and falls, and I hit him, silently scolding him. We go to the edge of the roof, hearing the front door open and weary footsteps move across the porch. When they come to a stop at the railing, Stiles and I fling over the edge, screaming at the sight of Scott with a baseball bat. Scott screams too, and we all just scream for a minute.


"You weren't answering your phone!" Stiles exclaims.

"Why do you have a bat?!" I add, gesturing to the hunk of wood in his hands.

"I thought you were a predator!" Scott defends himself.

"Well you wouldn't have thought that if this dumbass didn't trip." I say, hitting my twin.

"Hey!" Stiles exclaims, hitting me back. I hit him and we go back and forth hitting each other, until Scott stops us.

"Okay, look, we know it's late, but you've gotta hear this." I say.

"We saw our dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called."

"They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon department and even state police."

"For what?" Scott asks, lowering his bat.

"Two joggers found a body in the woods." Stiles says, fighting a smile. We turn and flip off the roof.

"A dead body?"

"No, a body of water. Yes, Dumbass, a dead body." I say, leaning against the railing.

"You mean like murdered?" Scott asks while we climb over the railing to stand in front of him.

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