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Long time no see, Mateys! okay, I got no clue what that was. I'm tired. This month has been beyond stressful with managing work and band and school and graduation officially being less than a week away. I just can't wait for it all to be over. Not this story, though. It's gotta progress. 

Edit: You probably got a new notification for a new chapter because I initially forgot to put the episode in here so I went in and added it.

Episode- The Tell

-Time Skip-

(Idk if it was actually a time skip but we finna pretend it's the next night.)

I take a bite of my chicken sandwich, fiddling with my phone yet again. Stiles and our dad eat their food in the front of the cruiser, and I eat mine in the back, never having minded being behind the little gate separating the front and back.

"Mm, did they forget my curly fries?" Dad asks, and I roll my eyes because Stiles insisted on not getting him curly fries.

"You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." Stiles retaliates.

"Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

I can't help my laugh at my dad's response, while Stiles is less than amused.

"If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong."

"And if you think arguing with your father over something as simple as french fries when he's practically eating a grease patty is legitimate, you are wrong." I fire back, amused at my twin's actions. Our dad just stares down Stiles with a pointed look and he chuckles, thinking he's won, only for me to pass my curly fries to our dad through the gap between the barrier and the seat.

"Six!" Stiles spins around to yell at me, only for the radio to beep on the main console.

"Unit one, do you copy?" A man's voice calls and Stiles reaches for the device, only for his hand to be smacked away as our dad takes it.

"Unit one, copy." He says into the radio as Stiles stuffs his face with curly fries and I chuckle at his behavior.

"Got a report of a possible 187."

"A murder?!" Stiles and I both exclaim, my words much clearer than my brother's due to the fries in his mouth.


We arrive at the movie rental place, flashing lights and crowds filling the parking lot. Stiles and I both take note of Jackson and Lydia at the back of the ambulance, and our dad notices the look on Stiles' face.

"Stay here." He demands, exiting the vehicle.

Stiles and I slowly exit the cruiser, Jackson's dramatic yelling filling my ears as he yells at our father. I go to surge forward, slamming my door shut, but Stiles stops me, grabbing my arm where my stitches once were, having been removed earlier today. I glare at him as I hiss in pain, taking a step back and ignoring all the eyes I feel on my back.

"Oh whoa, is that a dead body?!" Stiles suddenly exclaims as a couple paramedics wheel out a gurney with a white sheet covering it, an arm hanging limply out the side. My eyes go wide as our father gives Stiles a disappointed look.

Stiles and I get back into the car and I quickly pull out my phone, opening Tetris in an attempt to distract myself from the commotion going on around me.


I yawn, leaning against the counter and waiting for the coffee pot to finish brewing. I go over to my bookbag, which I sat on the table upon coming downstairs, and double check that I have all my supplies for the day. I pull my glasses off, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake myself up more. Once the little black stars dissipate from my vision, I put my glasses back on and return to the coffee pot. It beeps, letting me know that it's done. I begin pouring the scalding liquid into my thermos when footsteps sound from the stairs.

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